Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis of George Saunders's story Essay
Rhetorical Analysis of George Saunders's story "christmas" and "sea oak" - Essay Example One of his sisters contends that if they had secured a diploma certificate, they could understand the television content and not be sidetracked in any way. The sisters discuss about the number of sides a triangle has from their low social class Sea Oak home. The neighborhood is rife with crime, even as Thomas and Auntie Bernie are forced to sacrifice their own life and dignity in an attempt to improve the poverty situation. This paper explores the use of satire in Sea Oak; the importance of the literary style to and effectiveness in the storyline. Saunders’s portrayal of the low-class setting is both comical and somehow pushy into resignation. There is a wind of hopelessness in the whole scene. At first, Freddy orders the children to make a squat, hence projecting the image of the dangerous crap-hole more vividly. Then the engulfed lot feels the tragic side of life in the freaking American life where capitalism dictates that the underprivileged work out extremely hard to earn a place in the less risky crap-hole. According to Saunders, the demise of Aunt Bernice plunges the family into financial doldrums, which affect her giving of a decent burial (4). The bereaved are forced to buy a low-priced, balsa-made coffin for the Aunt. Immediately the burial, a church minister tells them the body of their loved one had been procured inappropriately. Bernice’s spirits then leave her body and advance in the house in Christ-like fashion to offer the family effective guidance on how to overcome the nasty situation they are in. Bernice continues decaying in their residence. As her arms break away, she utters wise words on how to cope with life. She repeatedly tells Thomas to go show his manly strength out there. Rando says message basically implies that the only path to success in the society is to steer clear of morality and becoming a prostitute (438). Although she succumbed to death without ever being touched by a man, Aunt Bernice is lamenting that
Sunday, October 27, 2019
History of Green Marketing
History of Green Marketing According to the American Marketing Association Green Marketing is the marketing of Products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. Thus Green Marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising. Yet defining green marketing is not a simple task where several meanings intersect and contradict each other, an example of this will be the existence of varying social, environmental and retail definitions attached to this term. History of Green Marketing: The term Green Marketing came into prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The American Marketing Association (AMA) held the first workshop on Ecological Marketing in 1975. The proceeding of this workshop resulted in one of the first books on green marketing entitled. Ecological Marketing Three keys to successful Green Marketing: Show potential customers that you follow green business practices and you could reap more green on your bottom line. Green Marketing isnt just a catchphrase; its a marketing strategy that can help you get more customers and make more money. But only if you do it right. For green marketing to be effective, you have to do three things; be genuine, educate your customers, and give them the opportunity to participate. Being Genuine Being Genuine means that a) that you are actually doing what you claim to be doing in your green marketing campaign and b) that the rest of your business policies are consistent with whatever you are doing thats environmentally friendly. Educating your Customers Educating your Customers isnt just a matter of letting people know youre doing whatever youre doing to protect the environment, but also a matter of letting them know why it Matters Otherwise, for a significant portion of your target market, its a case of So what? And your green marketing campaign goes nowhere. Giving your customer an opportunity to participate: Giving your customer an opportunity to participate means personalizing the benefits of your environmentally friendly actions, normally through letting the customer take part in positive environmental action. Why Green Marketing? As resources are limited and human wants are unlimited, it is important for the marketers to utilize the resources efficiently without waste as well as to achieve the organizations objective. So green Marketing is inevitable. There is growing interest among the customers all over the world regarding Protection of environment. World Wide Evidence indicates people are concerned about the Environment and are changing their Behavior. Benefits of Green Marketing: Companies that develop new and improved products and services with environment inputs in mind give themselves access to new markets, increase their profit Sustainability, and enjoy a Competitive advantage over the Companies which are not concerned for the Environment. Adoption of Green Marketing: There are basically five reasons for which a marketer should go for the adoption of Green marketing. They are Opportunities or competitive advantage Corporate social responsibilities Government pressure Competitive pressure Cost or profit issues Green Marketing Mix: Every company has its own favorite marketing mix. Some have 4 Ps and some have 7 Ps marketing mix. The 4 Ps of green marketing are that of a conventional marketing but the challenge before is to use 4 Ps in an innovative manner Product The ecological objectives in planning products are to reduce resource consumption and pollution and to increase conservation of scarce resources Price Price is a critical and important factor of green marketing mix. Most consumers will only be prepared to pay additional value if there is a perception of extra product value this value may be improved performance, function, design, visual appeal or taste Green marketing should take all these facts into consideration while charging a premium price Promotion There are three of green advertising:- Ads that address a relationship between a product/service and the biophysical environment Those that promote a green life style by highlighting a product or service. Ads that present a corporate image of environmental responsibility. Place The choice of where and when to make a product available will have. Strategies for Green Marketing: The marketing strategies for green marketing include: Marketing Audit ( Including internal and external situation analysis) Develop a marketing plan outlining strategies with regard to 4 Ps. Implement Marketing strategies. Plan result evaluation Challenges ahead Green Marketing: Green products require renewable and recyclable material, which is costly Requires a technology, which requires huge investment in R D Water treatment technology, which is too costly Majority of the people are not aware of green products and their uses Majority of the consumers are not willing to pay a premium for green products. Conclusion: Green marketing should not neglect the economic aspect of marketing. Marketers need to understand the implications of green marketing. If you think customers are not concerned about environmental issues or will not pay a premium for products that are more eco-responsible, think again. You must find an opportunity enhance you products performance and strengthen your customers loyalty and command a higher price. Green marketing is still in its infancy and a lot of research is to be done on green marketing to fully explore its potential. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research design which has been formed for this research article is descriptive research design. The nature of data which is collected and used for this research article is secondary. The relevant and required data are collected from secondary sources such as text books, national as well as international articles
Friday, October 25, 2019
Character Analysis of Katherine Anne Porters He Essay -- Katherine An
Character Analysis of Katherine Anne Porter's He In Katherine Anne Porter's short story "He," she presents several themes that she develops primarily through the actions of the main characters, particulary Mrs. Whipple. Porter portrays a poor, lower class Southern family and the difficulties they encounter. More importantly, she centers the story around the feelings of shame, pride, and an exaggerated concern for appearances through Mrs. Whipple's's relationship with her mentally retarded son and her behavior toward Him. Other characters, such as her husband Mr. Whipple and their two "able-bodied" children Adna and Emly serve to expand the story's themes and highlight the extremity of Mrs. Whipple's actions. Early in the story we see how vital appearance is to Mrs. Whipple. She remarks to her husband that no one should ever hear them complain (324). Her real effort to maintain a front for her neighbors, however, surrounds her "simple-minded son," who never has any identity other than "He." It seems that Mrs. Whipple fears that if those around her know He is retarded, this would reflect badly on her character. Many times, unfortunately, parents of children with any birth defect worry they have some blame to account for. Mrs. Whipple, unfortunately, represents a rather extreme case. She seemed to believe that by "over-loving" her son in public and refusing to acknowledge his handicap, she could avoid social stigma and somehow quell her own insecurities. Mrs. Whipple comments to whoever would listen that He is strong, capable, and "He can do anything . . . " (325). Such exclamations, the author tells us "seemed to ease her mind" (324). In these quotations we see clearly how Mrs. Whipple's actions... ...ok sick" (332). Furthermore, she takes care to dress in her good clothes, so no one will think she looks like charity. Even as she is about to lose her son, she cannot let go of her need to put on a performance for the society she feels has shunned her. Porter's story gives its audience a powerful lesson that extends far beyond social standing or mental handicaps. The pathetic example of "Him" shows us just how far many of us go for mere illusions. Mrs. Whipple was willing to sacrifice her son and her family's welfare in order to mask their situation. To a world of airbrushing and political propaganda, Porter shows how dangerous the game of pretense can become and how the innocent often bear the brunt of the harm. Work Cited Porter, Katherine Anne. "He." The Literature of the American South. Ed. William L. Andrews. New York: Norton. 1998.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Constraints Facing The African Stock Market Economics Essay
The African stock market is going progressively sophisticated in pricing, insulating and reassigning hazard. Tools such as derived functions and securitization contribute to this procedure but pose their ain hazard. The failure of accounting and ordinance to maintain abreast of development introduces more hazard with on occasion dramatic effects.Macroeconomic FactorsMacroeconomic hazards include rising prices hazard, involvement rate hazard, low modesty and thin fiscal market which all together affect the public presentation of a stock market. Macroeconomic policy has a great impact on the public presentation of the stock market. In 1996, the Zimbabwe stock market which accounted for an overall public presentation of 86.5 % . However, in 1997 its public presentation decreased by more than 50 % in the aftermath of dramatic authorities farm and to pay $ 240 million in pensions to veterans of Zimbabwe independency war. For the last two decennaries, the growing rate of existent per capita end product for Africa has been negative, while other parts have been demoing strong positive growing rates. For illustration, while between the 1970s and 1990s East Asia and South Asia moved from an mean growing rate of 4.6 per centum and 0.7 per centum to 6.4 per centum and 3.3 per centum, severally, Sub-Saharan Africa ‘s growing rate declined from 0.5 per centum in the 1970s to -0.4 per centum in the 1990s.Corporate AdministrationCoup vitamin D ‘ & amp ; eacute ; cheapnesss is rather celebrated in African history. It appears that constitutional regulation are present at that place and politicians are pull stringsing fundamental laws to either seek thirster footings in office or perpetuate their stay. Therefore, there is a deficiency of good corporate administration in the states. In the absence of corporate administration, there is inappropriate policy taken by the authorities and regulative models. Furthermore, there is no control of corruptness, capacity edifice, and there is an uneffective, inefficient, no transparent and accountable system for mobilising and apportioning public every bit good as private resources.High unemploymentIn Africa, there is copiousness of unskilled labour and this may take to worsen of the on the job category. The growing in demand for skilled labour does non fit the diminution of unskilled and semi-skilled occupations. The labour market is switching towards more skilled workers, professionals and directors. A labour study in South Africa found that there is more demand for directors in the populace sector, particularly local authorities and peculiar services sectors Unemployment is pig-headedly high and edging upward. In South Africa the expanded unemployment rate is estimated to be every bit high as 40 % with the official rate at about 29 % . The fact that the labour market is biased against those with less accomplishment is reflected in the higher mean wage additions for skilled individuals.Trade DevelopmentMany African states are faced with a multiplicity of challenges that prevent them from take parting in the planetary economic system and harvesting the benefits of increased globalisation. Africa is the most disconnected continent. Fourteen states are landlocked, accounting for 30 % of Africa ‘s population. The roots of the job prevarication in chronic restraints to competitiveness including, hapless substructure, little and disconnected markets, undeveloped fiscal markets, weak systems to ease trade, weaknesses in cardinal establishments, and the deficiency of equal human resources.Political HazardPolitical instability, institutional incapacity and societal unrest inhibit foreign capital influxs. These in bend lower investing appetencies and have a negative impact for economic chances and investing clime. Percepts of political hazard originating from peculiar events, such as those related to the recent elections in Kenya which generate market volatility and discourage investing. Africa is seen as a part of high political hazard, and important hazard premium are demanded by equity investors, loaners and insurance companies.Currency fluctuation hazardThe planetary economic lag in universe growing may impact African exports of agricultural merchandises, minerals and hydrocarbons. Africa ‘s dependance on natural resource exports has made many states vulnerable to trade good monetary value dazes that are outside their control. Sudden additions in export grosss or import costs can do currency instability and budget uncertainness. Furthermore, there is strong grounds that currency depreciation has negative consequence on the public presentation of the African stock market.Crisis of International ConfidenceMany states in sub-Saharan Africa enjoyed robust economic growing in recent old a ges. However, the nutrient and fuel monetary value dazes of 2007-08 that preceded the current planetary fiscal crisis weakened the external place of net importers of nutrient and fuel, caused rising prices to speed up, and dampened growing chances. A research done by IMF shows that in the yesteryear a 1 per centum point lag in planetary growing has led to an estimated ? per centum point lag in sub-Saharan African states. But the effects may be more marked this clip because the tightening of planetary recognition compounds the impact of the lag, worsening hazards for trade finance and other capital flows.Recommendations.The stock market needs specific attending when it comes to the menaces and challenges predominating. Normally, there are several ways which can take to the development of the stock market. Automation can be of great aid as it reduces costs every bit good as inefficiencies. It operates faster than the manual system which besides increases trading activities and liquidness. We besides have demutualization which is a procedure that involves a alteration in ownership construction and a alteration in legal and organisation signifier. Factors such as competition among exchanges, demand for increased capital, demand for good corporate administration in exchanges and the impulse to open up ownership of exchanges to public investors help demutualization addition popularity. Demutualization is expected to work out common construction jobs by opening up merchandising rights, acknowledging new trading spouses, and broadening ownership such that the populace can put in exchanges. It besides increases entree to services of the exchange and removes inordinate investing costs for fund holders. Another cardinal solution can be to beef up Financial Regulation and Supervision. Such a step will hike the assurance of investors every bit good as protects their rights and hence besides encourages them to put more in the stock market. The development of good quality establishments can besides impact the attraction of equity investing and lead to stock market development. Good quality establishments such as jurisprudence and order, democratic answerability, bureaucratic quality are of import determiners of stock market development in Africa because they cut down political hazard and heighten the viability of external finance. The increased engagement of investors on the stock market will besides assist advancing efficient market patterns and fiscal invention. They typically favor greater transparence and market unity in both primary and secondary markets, seek lower dealing cost, and promote efficient trading and colony installations. Enhancing surveillance of the OTC forex derivative markets by systematic processing and analysis of information on offshore activity will besides be of great aid. Another proposed solution to jobs faced by African stock markets is to incorporate stock exchanges. Unifying African stock markets into a individual regional exchange instantly is no uncertainty an ambitious and dashing undertaking, given the associated institutional and fiscal cost complexnesss. Advocates of this proposition argue that a good incorporate regional stock exchange in Africa will be a powerful beginning and driver of capital flows to Africa. Such an exchange will besides, if good structured, work out the current jobs of illiquidity, little size, and atomization.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Train
The blistering cold numbed my eyes as I stumbled through the biting snow, dragging a dull, faded suitcase overloaded with necessities behind me, leaving a train in the deadly, ice snow. â€Å"All abroad! †a man in a bright red suit, a funny red hat and an equally crimson nose called, his voice straining to be heard over the howling wind. I struggled up to him and handed over my ticket, which was faded from sweat, tears and the bitter snow. Then man, whom I safely assumed was the train conductor, glanced briefly at the ticket, then smiled at me slightly. Terrible morning isn't it? †he commented. I did not reply. â€Å"In for a long ride, I see! †he added when he saw my ticket. I gave no response as I checked my heavy bag. He beamed wider as he said, â€Å"Welcome aboard the Windows Express, ma'am! †I tried to smile back, but my scarf was bundled around my nose and my mouth, so I nodded instead. â€Å"Thank you. †My voice was barely audible over t he gusty breeze as I stepped off the platform and boarded the train. The front compartment was crowded, packed like sardines. I squeezed past the numerous bodies to get to the next train ar, which was where I was to be seated. Even though the warmth there was comforting, I hoped it was not too stuffy in my car. I finally broke free from the crowd, swinging the car door open and entering a considerably cooler car. I removed my scarf from my face. My skin was raw with cold, but I barely felt it. I glanced around. This car was deserted, the seats along its aisle empty. I checked the number of compartment I had been assigned then opened the door to it. There was a small bunk bed in the corner, with a little closed off area I guessed was the bunk. I lanced out the single window, but there was nothing to be seen through the fog and slat than plummeted so hard against the glass it felt like hail. Feeling slightly claustrophobic in the narrow compartment, I briskly threw off my jacket and e xited, walking back into the aisle. I noticed a door at the back of the car and decided to check it out. I made my way down the aisle and slid the door open. It led into the next car. This one did not have seats, but little booths lined up neatly along either side. There was a bellboy near the back, tending to a little refreshment stand. His eyes were bored, even as he attempted to reet me pleasantly. â€Å"Hello, ma'am, welcome to the lounge. Would you like anything? Some pie, perhaps, or a cup of coffee? †Uninterested, I declined politely, just as another door caught my eye. Without thinking, I flung it open. There was nothing in the room except a door with a window fixed into it, and a shiny red handle. â€Å"This is where you'll be disembarking,†the bellboy informed me. â€Å"That there's the emergency brake,†he added, pointing at the handle. â€Å"You're perfectly welcome to pull that at any time. †Taken aback, I spluttered on my Coke. â€Å"Wha t? I wouldn't. That's ridiculous.Then how will I get to where I am going? †I demanded incredulously. The bellboy shrugged. â€Å"Sometimes you can't rely on trains to get you to where you want to go. †I stared openly at him. Quickly dismissing him as crazy, I turned away and hastily returned to my compartment. Once safely inside, I lay on my bed, thinking to myself about my destination, a place I had never been and a face I had not seen for so many years it hurt to think about it. Flashbacks began to attack my once- peaceful mind, invading my would be calm pondering. At four years old, my hands pressed tightly over my ears, rying in vain to block out the sounds of heated arguments over nothing. Seven years old, an empty bottle crashing over my head as I tried to escape the debris of broken plates. Thirteen years, bruises covering my face, blood on my hands, a broken ankle, pain enveloping my body. Sixteen, my broken ribs causing me to shake as I slammed the front door behind me and limped as fast as I could into the night, my mother screaming for me to come home and my father's threats chasing after me†¦ I jerked awake, nearly falling out of bed. My head felt heavy, and my eyes groggy, as if I had not slept or days. Sluggishly, I checked my watch, which still hung from my wrist. My eyes snapped wide open as they read the time, then relaxed again. My watch had stopped at around the same time I boarded that train. I got up, feeling tired, and felt my stomach growl. I stood up, stretched, brushed my hair and hurridly with my fingers and left my compartment. I was about to go to the lounge to eat when I noticed another girl sitting on a seat in the aisle, next to the window. She was clothed very thinly for the morbid weather, and her long locks of auburn hair poured over her shoulders.I approached her slowly. â€Å"Hello,†I said, and she jumped in surprised. â€Å"Sorry for startling you, but do you have the time? †She looked up at me, and I saw a thin ragged face that would have been pretty if not for the exhaustion consuming it, and the melancholy sadness in her eyes. â€Å"Oh hello, its quite alright. Let me check. †She lifted her mobile phone from her pocket, glanced at it, then shook her head apologetically. â€Å"Strange. It seems to have died. I could've sworn I charged it yesterday. †I thanked her anyway, and asked her where she was going. She looked even weary when I questioned her. I'm going to see my long-distance partner for four years,†she said, in an almost rehearsed answer. â€Å"I think he may propose to me, but I doubt I'm ready for such a change. †She drifted off, her voice trailing away, then came to her senses and asked me where I was headed. â€Å"I'm going to see my father. I haven't seen him for nearly a decade,†I said quietly. â€Å"I can't say I'm looking forward to it. †She agreed with me, and we made small talk for awhile longer befo re I excused myself and when to the lounge. The bellboy was not there anymore, and I breathed an inward sigh of relief.The batty guy had freaked me out. I saw someone sitting down in one of the lounge booths. Hidden behind stacks of paperwork and a newspaper sat a middle aged man in an impressive suit and tie, muttering to himself in what looked like disgust. I walked over to him. â€Å"Hi, sorry to bother you, but do you know what time it is? †He glanced up and stopped grumbling. â€Å"Hmm? Oh, yes. †he shot a look at his fancy wristwatch. â€Å"Well, what is this? My watch isn't working! †He began to mumble again. I found it strange that nobody knew the time, so I stole a glimpse of the watch, and sure enough it ceased to ick. â€Å"That’s a shame,†I said good-naturedly, and asked him what he was doing. â€Å"Its for a case I have,†he replied. I must have looked puzzled, because he elaborated. â€Å"I'm a lawyer, you see, and I'm abo ut to defend the biggest drug cartels of all time- then again, I probably shouldn’t have told you that. †I was about to leave him in peace when he continued on. â€Å"In my defense, my client is one of my oldest friends. I owe him my life and he's gotten me out tons of scraps. I really have no choice. I began to feel a little uncomfortable, and averted my gaze to rest on the window.To my surprise, evening was over-the sun was rising on another day! Had I missed my stop? I was supposed to be off the train by dusk, yet here was dawn, a new day beginning right before my eyes! Panicking, I ran back to my car and asked the girl still sitting on he seat, â€Å"What time did you get on? Which state are you going to? †Bewildered, she told me the details of her travel. I calculated in my head. â€Å"But what would only take you a few hours! You should have arrived by now,†I said, unable to keep my voice from getting louder. She seemed indifferent. Maybe we made a few stops along the way. I wasn't awake the whole time, you know. †But I had it all figured out. The pieces of the puzzle were coming together, forming an unbelievable picture in my head. I ran back into the lounge, and flung open the door at the back of it, where the emergency brake ws. The lady came racing after me, asking where I was going. â€Å"Look, it’s the emergency brake. If we pull it, we'll be able to get out of here! †I exclaimed. She looked at me the same way I had looked at the bellboy- as if one of us had gone bonkers. â€Å"What? Are you crazy? Why? Its ridiculous.Then how will I ever get to where I'm going? †I smiled at the distinct resemblance her words had to mine. Reaching over, I grasped the red handle in my right hand and pulled as hard as I could. The train screeched against the metal of the tracks. I pushed against the exit door, and it opened easily. I leaped off the train. The ground was icy and cold beneath my feet, and the cold wind cut my uncovered face like a knife. I became aware that I did not even have my jacket with me as the cold began to envelope my very being. â€Å"What are you doing? You'll freeze to death! †the girl cried next to me. You don't even have your suitcase with you. †I vaguely recalled my stuffed baggage, filled with things I suddenly realized were of no importance to me. And just like that, suddenly, I felt free. Free of all my emotional baggage, free of everything that weigh me down, free of guilt, pain and sorrow. A sense of warmth, a beautiful feeling, filled up my body, and I no longer felt the chill. I turned back to the train, smiling for the first time in years. â€Å"Why don’t you come with me? †I asked the girl. She shook her head, eyes wide. And then the train door slammed shut, and began to move again.Free of doubt, I turned from the sight of the train slowly resending out of sight until it vanished, and began to trudge through the snow , in the direction of my destination. Sometimes we are weighed down by the pain, grief and guilt. We go through life day by day, merely existing, not living, and time stands still. Those days we live, so burdened by emotions, are meaningless and pas by without notice of purpose. If we could just let go of it all, forget our troubles for a few seconds, and look around us, perhaps we would see the beauty we are meant to see, and the wonder we would feel if we only let go.
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