Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How To Save Your Job When You’re About To Get Fired
How To Save Your Job When You’re About To Get Fired Your performance review wasn’t good. Or maybe you just smell the blood in the water. You’ve got a bad feeling that you- or even your job- is on the chopping block. Rather than just hang your head, admit defeat, and start your job search anew, why not try a few of the following steps to save your job? At least then you can say you gave it your best shot. 1. Stop slacking.If you’ve built a reputation for being lazy, it’s never too late to turn it all around. It will be hard to shake off, but with a bit of work, not impossible! Figure out why you haven’t been giving it your all at work. Eliminate your biggest distractions, like your phone or social media accounts or even particularly chatty coworkers. Identify the projects that you can drum up passion for and then devote yourself to getting stuff done and start delivering real results.2. Take responsibility.Did you miss a deadline? Fail to deliver an important project? You can’t go back in time and undo this, but you can assume full accountability for what happened. Don’t blame anyone but yourself and see how you can fix the problem. Then fix it- fast.3. Handle disgruntled clients.You said something to a client and now they’re threatening to walk. Figure out- by asking coworkers and team members what went wrong and whether you were inappropriate or out of line- then figure out if the situation is fixable. If you weren’t at fault, approach your boss with the full picture. Be honest and provided you didn’t do anything outrageous, your boss should back you up.4. Stop gossiping.You’ve been outed as an office gossip- whether for a one time whopper offense, or a routine habit. You’ve probably got a very narrow window to prove yourself worthy of keeping on. Let your boss know you understand the severity of your behavior and the consequences and insist upon turning over a new leaf. Apologize to any injured parties and behave yourself more professionally in future.5. Have a heart to heart.It’s not out of line to have a sit-down with your boss and have an honest conversation- especially if you two have been out of touch or out of sync. Ask about the communication lapse. Ask whether there is anything you’re not doing or delivering that you could focus on improving. Reiterate your passion and commitment to the position and make it clear you’ll do whatever it takes to stay on board.6. Make a performance improvement plan.Say your performance has been lackluster, and your boss confirms that you’re not in the best of standing. Sit down and come up with a plan with clear indicators of renewed success. Then set about systematically meeting every goal on your plan tick by tick. Get yourself out of your slump as soon as you can. It will be much easier with clear guidelines. And don’t be afraid to ask for coaching and/or feedback.7. Go the extra mile.With everything. Make yourself an expert in a new software. Make a positive and lasting contribution- the bigger the better. Have a stellar attitude at all times. Help out your team and coworkers. Anticipate your boss’s needs. Show your value to the company and your strengths as a team player and you’ll be in much better shape.The crucial thing is to make sure you’re taking steps to bulk up your career and making changes- and lasting ones. Slapping a temporary band-aid on the situation will not save your job. Overhauling your work ethic and performance, however, just might do the trick!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
4 Steps to Boost Your Workplace Productivity
4 Steps to Boost Your Workplace Productivity Whether you’ve fallen out of love with your job or are so overwhelmed you’ve been falling behind, it’s never too late to pick up the pace and catch up. Check out these tips from Gerald Buck over at Careerealism! Take a BreakIt may seem counterintuitive, but leaving your desk and walking around the block, getting a drink, or stretching your legs in the hallway for five minutes can get your blood and oxygen flowing and restore your energy levels. Come back to your desk ready to dive in and take care of business!Outline Your PrioritiesFirst thing in the morning, or even before you go home at the end of the day, make a list of the most important to-dos in the order you need to tackle them. Make sure you include a small task to get the ball rolling, and put the biggest item early on so the day doesn’t get away from you. You can update and rearrange as you go, but having a list to follow helps you stay focused and accountable. Consider the Long TermIf your workplace doesn’t have an annual goal-setting process in place already, take the initiative to identify two big things you want to accomplish over the course of the next year. Post them somewhere you’ll see every day- on your monitor or inside your top desk drawer- and work towards them every day. Taking the long view helps to liberate you from the feeling of being trapped in the stress of day-to-day tasks. Don’t forget to mention these goals in your next performance review! Get to Work EarlyLeaving your home half an hour earlier can make a huge difference in your day when you’re really struggling to stay motivated- you can usually either finish a small task or get a good start on a bigger one before the office fills up with chatter and distractions. Having that boost of early morning momentum can positively affect your whole day. Plus, you can leave right on time without feeling like you didn’t give that day your best work!Donâ €™t try to implement these all at once- take it one day at a time, or even one hour at a time if you need to, and see if your shifting attitude increases your productivity and happiness.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Miss Spider's tea party Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Miss Spider's tea party - Essay Example The ballet group itself is a non-profit entity, and its laudable programs are funded completely by donations and powered by volunteers in the main. This makes the event doubly meaningful and worthwhile, first because of the goodwill and the eminently good intentions of the group, and second because of the excellent production and the merits of the artistic show itself (Cuyahoga Valley Youth Ballet; Cuyahoga Valley Youth Ballet (b)). The story itself is straightforward, and a delight to watch on stage. Miss Spider is preceded by a reputation for eating bugs, and so has a difficult time making friends and being able to invite neighbors for tea. This is a recipe for loneliness, and the story in a way is about this loneliness and the walls that people and bugs erect among themselves, motivated by fear and impressions that may not correspond with reality. All sorts of bugs in the neighborhood resisted the charms of Miss Spider and chose to stay away, and even the ants could only stay for a short while. It took a helpless wet moth, who couldn’t escape if it wanted to, for the rest of the neighborhood to know how harmless and contrary to stereotypes Ms. Spider was. Her act of kindness towards the moth convinced them to finally stop by Miss Spider’s house and stay. There is much to the production that can be recommended for all children. The story itself is instructive with regard to how to deal with peop le in the outside world, to see without blinders and to give people a chance, and more importantly, to not be deceived by appearances. People are good and bad, and with caution and the guidance of elders, the outside world can be engaged in. On another level, the production also emphasizes the importance of friendship. This production has many hooks to the course. It is a worthwhile addition, for instance, to the library of children’s literature that can be recommended to students. That it has been staged by an organization with a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Services marketing and relationship marketing Essay
Services marketing and relationship marketing - Essay Example The process of addressing customer concerns on every call is considered the front-stage activity. Every customer interaction is a â€Å"moment of truth.†(Teboul, 2007, p.19) The back-stage is where the company works on how to provide the services promised on the front-stage interactions. Both the front-stage and back-stage components are essential in providing services to the customers (Blumberg, 2003, p.23). Every successful service provision is composed of interaction and material transformation (Cook, 2011, 34). Both are significant, but very distinct (See Figure 1). Knowledge of the distinction is necessary because overseeing a direct interaction with customer in the front-stage is very different from managing the material transformation in the back-stage. The end result of successful front-stage and back-stage operations is customer satisfaction (Blumberg, 2003, p.27 and Cook, 2011, 35). Figure 1 Front-Stage and Back-Stage Distinction SERVICES AND RELATIONSHIP MARKETING 3 It is noticeable that the arrows in the flow chart go both ways. This is because every aspect of service delivery consists both of the front-stage and back-stage processes, and although not interchangeably, very much connected to each other (Glushko & Tabas, 2009, p.407). Gathering of Services Request Information – This involves a direct customer interaction of the company representative, either through phone, mails, or face-to-face communication (Vargo & Lusch, 2004, p.68). A fitting scenario could be, a customer calls in and talks to the service representative. The customer inquires about services provided by the company, and decides whether the services suit his/her needs and budget. The representative provides information that is based on the set procedures by the company. These procedures are also based on the ability of the company to process the promised services. This is the reason why the arrows here go in both directions (Glushko & Tabas, 2009, p.4011). Processing of Promised Services – This is where the processing of requested services takes place. Representatives from the operations department, where the actual customer interaction takes place, pass the requests to a certain department where the planning for material transformation of the promised service occurs. Activities may range from paper works to on-field delivery or services. No services will be processed in the back-stage without requests from the front-stage (Wa?gar, 2007, p.641), which is another reason why the arrows here go in both directions. Information-intensive interaction – This involves the actual interaction again with customers. When a customer calls in and contacts the customer service department (front-stage), they usually ask for information on possible services they could obtain. The representative’s responsibility is to provide adequate information and choices to the customer. They should sound knowledgeable and expert in the service informati on they offer (Glushko & Tabas, 2009, p.416-7). Confidence building in customers usually start at this stage (Vargo & Lusch, 2004, p.68). The decision on whether the customer will acquire the services offered by the company usually depends on how well the interaction took place. It is the duty of these
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pips family Essay Example for Free
Pips family Essay In chapter one of the story we discover that Pips family is deceased, well apart from his sister. They all died from common diseases like flu and measles and other illnesses which some were treatable but, medicine was not affordable for the poor. The social conditions in the nineteenth century were unfortunate. There wasnt much medicine and there were no cure for common diseases and there was a lot of poverty, poor people had to work which includes children working in factories, there wasnt in the least of education for the poor. This all tells us that life was hard to live in Britain in the nineteenth century if you were poor. Today in Britain it is greatly different, there is less poverty, more education, affordable prices for medicine, children dont need to work to support there family, also there is the NHS health service and there is child benefit along with income support. Pip encounters an escaped convict when he goes to see his mothers grave. Pip was petrified when he saw this convict; he was an enormous man and was chained up to his legs. In those days all convicts were known as murders so when Pip met him he was horrified. Then the convict forces Pip to bring food to eat and a filer to break lose from the chains on his hands and legs. In Pips village the standard of education was important but the poor often couldnt afford it. Only the rich and wealthy families were able to afford education. Poor people werent expected to get educated in Pips village. Pip was expected to work and support his family when he was older. Pip wanted to become a black smith like Joe. Charles Dickens wants to create a miserable impression about education among the working classes. He wants to show how unfortunate children were in the working classes as they can not get any education and had to support there families. The children of wealthier families received different standard of education from the poorer families. They werent amongst the working classes, they didnt need to work to support there families they could afford education as well as medicine, which means that life wasnt bad for rich and wealthy families. Joe and Pip are extraordinarily good friends Because Joe is a fully grown man and Pip is a youngster and there relationship is very secure and close, they can talk to each other in confidence, can keep secrets from each other and support each other in any way. Joe had an extremely dreadful childhood he suffered from a lot of violence from his dad as he gave a great deal of pain to Joe and his mother by beating them. Joes dad was constantly drunk also, they were suffering from poverty. Joe explains his father and childhood to Pip. He tells him about the violence he suffered from his father this makes Pip feel uncomfortable and sorry about Joe. I was not at all at my ease this is how Pip felt, he felt anxious and confused when the time was up to go to Miss Havishams house for the arrangement. At the gates of the Satis house Pip met Estella. Estella treated Pip awfully bad. She kept on calling him boy at the end of her every sentence, this was very impolite and rude. By Estellas words and actions it made Pip feel like someone not to be complimented at even for this Pip had feelings for Estella. Estella knows that pip comes from a poor social background. She feels that he is someone that has no education and manners so she speaks to him very rudely by calling him not by his name but by boy at the end of every sentence. When Pip left the Satis house he felt like a common labouring-boy and felt more ignorant because he cried in front of Estella at the gates of the Satis. Pip was very irritated by the way Joe was dressed, which it was in his Sunday clothes and he also was irritated when Joes behaviour was very embarrassing during their meeting with Miss Havisham. Joe was trying to act smart and act like a gentleman but he made things worse by tying to say big words like Astonishing but he said it all wrong he said it like as-TON-ishing this made Pip feel more irritated and Nervous. When Joe was speaking to Miss Havisham he was addressing to Pip, Pip was trying to give him a clue to stop Joe from looking at him and to look at Miss Havisham when speaking to her but Joe was to dense to notice. This all is showing us that Pips attitude changes towards Joe; he starts feeling ashamed about Joe because he showed out Pips social and financial life at the meeting with Miss Havisham by the way he speaks and dresses. I dont think Pip should have felt this way because Joe is his close friend and he should not change his feelings and actions towards Joe just because he gets irritated at him. Now we can see that Pips social life and poverty is affecting his own character.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sula: Character Analysis Of Nel Essay example -- essays research paper
The novel Sula, is a work which contrasts the lives of its two main characters Nel and Sula. They appear, on the surface, to be the epidemy of binary opposites but this is in actuality their underlying bond. The differences in their personalities complement one another in a way that forges an almost unbreakable alliance. Sula is compulsive and uncontrollable while her counterpart, Nel, is sensible and principled. To prove Nel human by subscribing to the theory that a human is one who possess both good and bad traits, one must only look at how she interacts with Sula, here both negative and positive traits are evident.Nel’s "good" traits obviously come to the forefront when looking at her character. One might say this is a result of how she was raised and that she was simply a pr...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Effects of Watching Reality Tv
Aaliyah Tate English 105 Ms. LoBosco Effect of Reality TV Shows on Teenage Girls The beginning of reality television started in the 1940s. Allen Funt's Candid Camera went on air in the year 1948. Candid Camera was a hidden camera television series, which record people who are placed in embarrassing, ridiculous, and hilarious positions, and show their reactions. When people watch reality TV, they tend to think that what they are seeing is a true depiction of reality. Because of that, they tend to believe that what they see on TV is how life really is.Many reality TV shows are created without thinking about its consequences on the mindsets of viewers, especially young viewers. Media companies accept that they make these shows for profit and they do not care about the effects on people. The target audience for most reality TV shows is teens, mostly young girls. These shows have a positive or negative effect on the many viewers and participants. Reality TV didn’t really become pop ular until the early 2000s. Since reality TV is becoming more popular, girls are turning to these shows for entertainment value and life lessons. There are some positive effects of watching these shows.Girls who watch more of this genre of TV have more confidence in themselves, and also consider themselves mature, smart, funny and outgoing, and a good influence (http://technorati. com). Many viewers think that they can relate to the cast members on these shows. Girls receive inspiration and comfort from reality TV. Most teen girls are obsessed with being beautiful and getting a boyfriend. The way the women look on the shows is how girls want to be and look like (http://www. dailyherald. com). Cast members may be their selves but the things they do are scripted by producers that get teenagers attention.The drama, relationships, partying, and glamorous lifestyle that they portray is entertaining. Reality TV shows expose bad behavior, which make viewers think that what they see is acce ptable. In reality, it’s a false reality. Keeping up with the Kardashians, Bad Girls Club, The Real Housewives: The Series, Teen Mom, and Jersey Shore are the main reality TV shows that teens are watching. Most young viewers prefer to watch reality TV shows like those. Each of these shows portrays something which is unrealistic and unaccepted, but audiences don't realize the impact of these shows (http://www. deseretnews. com).Reality TV is not exactly just real life on camera. Although there are some shows that are more realistic than others, all of them are edited. Scenes are shot over and over for better effect. The shows are edited to make them more interesting and exciting. When viewers watch this sort of show, they believe that reality is filled with conflict and other negative events. The viewer may see exciting things happening to people in these shows and compare those things that are happening to their â€Å"normal†lives. Viewers often make a connection with the actors on screen, and then decide to act as the people they admire.The producers of these shows don’t care how they affect or impact on a person’s life. They try to make these shows look real as possible, even though they are scripted. They shoot scenes over and over until they are satisfied. Reality TV show producers are motivated by money and attention-grabbing drama. They fire cast members who don’t appeal to the audience as well as others. In result, they plot scenarios that will result in over-the-top arguments. â€Å"Bad Girls Club†is a perfect example of this. There is a house with seven girls who don’t know each other and they see what happens.The cast members usually have many arguments and fights. After the fight the girl who threw the first punch gets sent home. They are mostly the girls who do not appeal to the audience. The shows exhibit all the qualities that entertain young girls, and also those that can easily influence them. Young girls tend to think that what they see on TV is how their relationships and lives should be. Reality TV shows give a false image of reality. The people watching them are thinking that everything happening in the show is real. Reality shows show real people and how they react to different situations.Many people are fascinated with watching how people react to different environments and different people. It is unpredictable and surprising. Every episode people are tuned in and curious as to what is going to happen next, which keeps them watching week after week. They only show the glamour and success, but not the hard work and sacrifice that is put into achieving all of it. Most adults are able to distinguish reality from fantasy, however most teenagers are incapable of doing so. Reality TV is like passing a car wreck on the highway- we have to look.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Beauty Within The Cultures by Phillip Namara Essay
How do you define beauty? Is it a small waist and large breasts? A perfect smile and straight hair? If you flip through the pages of an American fashion magazine, you may think beauty is narrowly defined†¦but that’s not the case. From thick ankles to small noses, women from five continents are revealing what’s considered beautiful in their countries. â€Å"It’s a way of connecting yourselves from your kitchen, your living room, your bedroom †¦ to the rest of the world.†The first culture I will speak about are the Koreans. In any subway car you will see young Korean women checking their hair and makeup in mirrors that come attached to their cell phones. For those with less image-savvy devices, the windows provide ample reflection for women to fretfully fix stray stands of hair or rouge streaks of foundation. This preoccupation with beauty is no less reflected in how many Korean women dress. High heels, mini-skirts and frilled blouses are not reserved for nights out on the town – they are the norm for many women going about their daily business. While looking good is a matter of boosting self-esteem for many women, there are often more practical reasons for going under the knife. A lot of women believe that their chances of employment are largely dependent on their looks and will improve significantly after a cosmetic touch-up. In this highly competitive society, where it is routine to send your photo attached to your resume, a pretty face can give you the edge in a job or college interview. The next country/culture we will look at is Africa. There are some countries in Africa who have recently adopted a new definition of beauty accepting the same beliefs as Western culture. However, many countries maintain a quite different perspective of what beauty means within Africa. This different perspective defines beauty as: * Large Breasts: In some countries, women with large chests are much more desirable and considered much more beautiful than women with small chests. * Ample Backside: In some countries, generally the same ones that consider big breasts to be beautiful, a large backside is desirable and considered beautiful. * Fat vs. Skinny: Although it has become a newly accepted form of beauty, being skinny is not desirable in every country in Africa. There are countries where brides are force fed in order to make them fat or to make them more desirable to their male counterparts. Although this may not be considered healthy, it is what many in the culture of these countries consider beautiful. * Skin Color: Another aspect of beauty in Africa relates to skin color. Many countries believe that a lighter skinned African woman is more desirable than those who have darker skin. Therefore, a market has grown for skin creams that will lighten the complexion of African women in order to make them more attr active to the opposite sex. Importance of Curves in African Beauty Looking at this list of what beauty means in certain parts of Africa, we can deduce that the more curves a woman has in some countries across the African continent, the more desirable she is to the opposite sex. The idea of this form of accepted beauty has caused many clothing designers in Africa to increase their sizes available in their clothing lines in order to show their acceptance that even a bigger woman can be beautiful. In Southwestern Asia, the area often known as the Middle East, the rejection of Western culture and beauty standards, along with the insurgence of Islamic traditions, has seen the rise in more traditional, Arabic clothing. This clothing tends to cover more of the body and gives only an alluring glimpse at the feminine figure within as a clear denunciation of the revealing outfits worn by many in the Western world. These outfits display the humble, demure and secret beauty of the wearer, whose husband is the only one with access to the body hidden within the folds of fabric. Still, with increasing globalization, many Western beauty ideals have spread throughout the world, while cultures with little contact outside their indigenous communities continue to observe their own beauty practices. Either way, ideals of beauty are ever-present throughout the diverse communities of world. Beauty Throughout The Ages It’s hard to believe that once upon a time, women were celebrated for their natural god-given bodies. In fact, the female standard of beauty has gone through many drastic changes over the last several hundred years. I’ve compiled a timeline of all the major trends over the past 600 years, starting with the Renaissance up until the last decade. Renaissance Body Type: The ideal Renaissance woman was more voluptuous than any other time in history. Paintings from this era depict women who would be considered beyond curvy by today’s standards – but at that time, these full-figured ladies were the epitome of sexiness. For the first time in recorded history, women were prized for their natural bodies. Beauty: The term â€Å"blondes have more fun†may have stemmed from the Renaissance, because they believed that the lighter the hair color, the better. As for make-up, pale ivory skin was considered sexy, and vermillion was used to tint the lips to a deep red color. Pale complexion and blood red lips – it seems like the Renaissance era may have originated the popular vampire-chic look. Victorian Body Type: Unlike Renaissance women, Victorian women were very body conscious. Sexy meant having the smallest waistline humanly possible, and in order to achieve this look, women wore corsets. Some corsets were wound so tight that women could hardly breathe, to the point where sitting down was completely out of the question. Many women would even break ribs trying to get their waistlines down to an inconceivable 12 inches. Beauty: Modesty was the operative word when it came to Victorian makeup. High-class women were expected to use makeup sparingly. Bold colors were considered trashy, and reserved for prostitutes. Some religions at the time even proclaimed beauty products to be â€Å"the look of the devil.†1920’s Era Body Type: The 1920’s was a time when women didn’t want to look like women at all. We can’t imagine that men today would find this sexy, but some women from the 20’s era would even bind their chests with strips of cloth to achieve a â€Å"little boy†look – quite contradictory to some of the measures that today’s women take in order to amplify their chests. The loose silhouette of the flapper dress was in stark contrast to the corseted waist of the Victorian era. Elastic webbed girdles replaced corsets and gave off the look of a flat boyish abdomen. Beauty: Going right along with the boyish look, the hair bob or finger wave was a big trend. Bold make-up, which had once been considered â€Å"trashy,†was now considered sexy. Powder was applied to make the skin look as pale as possible, and eyebrows were lifted and penciled in to appear thin and bold. Kohl was used to line the eye and achieve an overall dramatic look. 1930-1970s Era Body Type: As they became more body conscious, women started to pay attention to what they ate. Fashions accented the arms and legs, so women lifted light weights to build muscle tone. The new padded stretch cotton bra was introduced – something we’re sure all men and women are very thankful for. Designers like Chanel (credited as the originator of the â€Å"little black dress†), Dior, and Elsa Schiaparelli started designing glamorous attire that allowed women to show off their feminine curves. Beauty: Hairstyles became more feminine than they had been in the 1920’s. Hair color varied, depending on which movie star one was trying to emulate. Jean Harlow made platinum blonde a trend, and meanwhile, Rita Hayworth made being a redhead popular. Last, but not least, Marlene Dietrich was a symbol for all the brunettes out there. Make-up became a little less drag, and more girl-next-door than in the 20’s. The pasty white skin trend was final ly passà ©, and women started opting for foundations closer to their natural complexions.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Leadership Essay essays
Leadership Essay essays Remember the Titans Leadership Essay This is a story of leadership, loyalty, and taking a chance to achieve greatness despite outdated standards of racial equality that were still in effect in 1971 Virginia. Coach Boone is a great example of an authoritarian leader who will not accept defeat. Coach Boone maintains strict control over his players by directly regulating policy, procedures, and their behavior. Boone knows that he faces a tough year of coaching and bringing together his racially diverse squad, but he gratefully takes on the difficult challenge. Instead of listening to the discriminating town and administrators, Boone pushes his team to their physical and mental limits and forces good relationships between players regardless of their race. His vision for the team involves getting the players concerned in what the team needs to become, and not what it is supposed to be in the eyes of the T.C. Williams administrators. Boone is a convincing leader with a brutal, boot camp approach to coaching. He believes in making the players rebuild themselves as a team. In the movie Boone stated to his team You will wear a jacket, shirt, and tie. If you don't have one buy one, if you can't afford one then borrow one from your old man, if you don't have an old man then find a drunk on the street and trade him for his. This quote immediately established his authoritarian leadership style and his no-nonsense approach to football with his players. During training camp Coach Boone purposely pairs black players with white players as roommates and instructs them to learn about each other. This idea is met with a lot of initial rejection and fighting, but black linebacker Julius Campbell and stubborn white All-American Garry Bertier end up getting a strong bond through Boone's heavy discipline. His strict coaching style was responsible for helping Julius Campbell and Gary Bertier emerge togethe...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Guilt-Free Expressions to Say, You Hurt My Feelings
Guilt-Free Expressions to Say, You Hurt My Feelings When you are hurt, your first instinct is to retaliate. You want to hurt the other person to avenge the pain and suffering you encountered.Revenge is sweet, but the repercussions can often be a disadvantage. As the author of Sometimes a Great Notion, Ken Kesey said, The man who seeks revenge digs two graves. Blinded by anger and ego, men often act beyond their wildest imagination. Thus they begin a circle of vengeance.History is replete with stories of hurt and revenge. Mighty empires have crumbled because of misguided anger. Ego clashes have wiped out human life in many parts around the world. ​Hurting words have brought the world to the brink of a world war. How can one assuage the hurt feelings? Can you take back the words that hurt another?Just as words can hurt someone, eloquent words of forgiveness can soothe the pain. When you seek unconditional forgiveness and atone for your sins with a good deed, you can reverse the pain.If you have been hurt, you can use these you hurt me quotes to express your anguish. No revenge, no retaliation! A few sincere words are enough to communicate your pain. These words can have a powerful effect on your aggressors conscience. Oscar WildeA gentleman is one who never hurts anyones feelings unintentionally. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowA torn jacket is soon mended, but hard words bruise the heart of a child. English ProverbAnger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it. Louisa May Alcott, Little WomenBecause they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think Ive a right to be hurt, I dont intend to show it. Diana RossCriticism, even when you try to ignore it, can hurt. I have cried over many articles written about me, but I move on and I dont hold on to that. Lady GagaDo you know the feeling, when your heart is so hurt, that you could feel the blood dripping? Toby KeithDont compromise even if it hurts to be yourself. Chris RockFor me, anything goes when I pick up a mike. Im not trying to hurt people - I try not to get too personal but I look at myself as a reporter. If you can report on anything that has to do with pop culture, then why cant I make jokes about it? Yes, it hurts. But I figure that laughter sometimes starts from pain. You might wince, but then I know that Im doing my job. The only thing I can do wrong is not be funny. Ernest HemingwayForget your personal tragedy. We are all bitched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it-dont cheat with it. Christina AguileraIm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldnt do, and Ive hurt myself by hurting you. Frank Sina​tra Oh, I just wish someone would try to hurt you so I could kill them for you. Klaus KinskiSometimes my heart hurts so much, I beat it with my fists. I try to run. But you cannot run from this. It waits for you. Even when you think you have escaped it, it is there. Les BrownForgive those who have hurt you. Angelina JolieI didnt really want to live, so anything that was an investment in time made me angry... but also I just felt sad. When the hopelessness is hurting you, its the fixtures and fittings that finish you off. Alonzo MourningI was hurting. I had some ailments I was dealing with. Its not like I was holding out.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Comparison and Contrast of Judaism and Christianity Essay
Comparison and Contrast of Judaism and Christianity - Essay Example Unfortunately, most people do not share one set of beliefs and this is one of the reasons there are so many religions in the world today. In the very beginning of religion, much was known about paganism and how nature was worshipped. In each religion, someone thought they understood something better than someone else. In contrasting Judaism and Christianity, it is clear to see that both religions have similarities and that one grew out of another. These two religions provide a classic understanding of how sacred thought evolved and how these two religions came to be believed by millions of people world-wide. Historical Development Judaism Between the two religions, Judaism is the oldest. It has as its origins thousands of years before Jesus and traces its roots to the beginnings of mankind (Religionfacts, 2013). Abraham is said to be the creator of Judaism as it was told in the Torah. As the second oldest world religion, Judaism began many thousands of years before Christianity (Spat z,2008). According to historical accounts, God created a covenant with Abraham to form a new nation. He was to leave the place where he was living and move to a different area. It is not known exactly when this happened because it happened before history was recorded; the estimated time period for this is â€Å"around 2000 B.C.E†(Spatz, 2008, para. 3). Both Jews and Christians believe that Moses was instrumental in the early years of their faith. It was Moses that was asked by God to go to the pharaoh and ask for the release of the Israelites (Jews) (Spatz, 2008). When Abraham died, the covenant was made with his son Isaac, then another covenant was done with Isaac’s son Jacob. Jacob wrestles with God (according to the Jews) or an angel (according to the Christians). God change’s Jacob’s name to Israel and he begins the 12 tribes of Israel (Spatz, 2008). Jacob moved his family to Egypt and as time went on, the ruler in Egypt feared the insurgence of Isra elites in Egypt and ordered all Israelite male children to be killed. One Israelite child was put in a basket and placed on a river to escape; he was later found by the pharaoh’s daughter who named him Moses (Spatz, 2008). Moses would eventually move the Israelites out of Egypt and he would eventually receive the 10 commandments from God (Spatz, 2008). Christianity Christianity began approximately 2000 years after Judaism and is said to have started with Jesus and the Disciples. When Jesus and the Disciples began to move through Judea, many Jewish people left the area to study the Jewish laws in other areas while others continued to practice a more pagan faith. Some Jewish people were referred to as zealots because they were fighting against Roman rule (â€Å"History of Christianity†, 2013). As Jesus and his Disciples continued to teach people in Judea, he drew the attention of the Romans and the Jews at that time because he appeared to talk against them (â€Å"A One Page†, 2013). The Romans eventually would crucify Jesus and the Disciples would disappear, because they were not sure of their fate (â€Å"A one page,†2013). Paul, one of the Disciples, later converted to Christianity, the religion that was begun after Jesus was crucified. He would go throughout the Roman Empire and build churches, preaching Christianity as he knew it. But Christianity would be persecuted by the Romans during the third and fourth centuries AD, because they were accused of creating false teachings and they were still going against the beliefs of the Romans. In the fourth century AD, Constantine converted to Christianity and the Christian persecution was stopped (â€Å"A one page†, 2013). Christianity and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Effective communication skills are essential when facilitating Essay
Effective communication skills are essential when facilitating learning for nurses and clients. With refernce to your area of clinical practice, critically dis - Essay Example It is not merely enough to identify the daunting nature of communication challenges in nursing. The training should have strategies in place to ensure that the nurses are trained and equipped to meat the challenges of their career. This will call for an evaluation of present training and practice of nursing career in the light of significant literature on the subject. This will naturally result in the need for qualitative changes in the area of training and practice of nursing profession. It is good to have an overview of the nature of human communication to understand its broad implications in successful health care practice and its particular importance in mental health care. All health care involves an appreciable amount of communication. There are three main components in the process of communication. They are the sender, the message and the receiver and the process is usually a two way process with the sender and receiver intermittently changing their roles between them to respond to the messages. In the process of communication the message that is developed in the mind of the sender is coded into a sound, letter, picture or gesture and transmitted. The message is understood if the receiver is able to decode the message and able to grasp the intended meaning of the sender (Ellis 1995). The process of human communication is very complex as it involves both verbal and non-verbal aspects. Now the practice of health care is exercised in a multilingual and multicultu ral milieu and the demands of modern health care task can be daunting and nurses need to be well trained to face the challenges of our complex world. The verbal aspects of human communication are very well understood to a large extent and it can be acquired by the proficiency in the language used in a place. When it comes to the non-verbal aspects of
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