Wednesday, August 26, 2020
buy custom Police Investigation essay
purchase custom Police Investigation paper Cross examination of Michael Crow. Michael Crow was an extremely well known and splendid multi year old young lady. Around evening time of January 21st 2009, Crow with a kid crawled into the Stephanies room. Stephanie was discovered dead, wounded multiple times with a chasing blade in the chest. The three young men of the age of 14 to 15 years of age were completely energized with the homicide of Stephanie. In any case, their folks remained by them and demanded that the young men were being pressured. The police were blamed for savagery against the kids (Lofman, 2007). This made issues the police examiners who were associated with the cross examination. The young men have not been seen as blameworthy. The attorneys of these three kids demanded that the admissions were constrained from them and ought not be allowable. No one knows precisely what happened that night with the exception of these three young men. Attempting to get data from them was vain and any endeavor to test more into the examination just caused grumbles about the young men being constrained. (Swanso, 2002) The police worked admirably in questioning the young men. These young men expected to come clean about what happened that night. In any case, youngsters, particularly adolescents are extremely touchy and ought to be managed in an unexpected way. The police or the cross examination group ought to have been increasingly patient and mindful to the young men. The other choice would have been to regard them as kids are dealt with and thinking in their level. In the ongoing years the quantity of kin murders has expanded. For instance an instance of a multi year old kid who told the specialists that he had thrashed his sister to death. The thought process of these childs murders is kin contention. What cross examination strategies ought to be utilized in childrens cases? Youngsters are extremely delicate and probably won't accept brutality as others do. Along these lines, youngsters ought to be dealt with in an unexpected way. Regardless of whether they are liable they are still kids and should be treated as kids. (Lofland, 2002) Emotion torment, mental torment and physical torment can negatively affect the youngsters. Rough treatment can result to lasting harm to the youngsters. As indicated by AD Redlich, law and psychiatry (2004), a definitive objective tointerrogate a criminal is to get the necessary data to settle the case. In this way, setting up the mental control is significant so as to accomplish the ideal outcomes. Police cross e xaminations ought not be founded on physical terrorizing however should utilize a progressively complex mental control. In the Crows case, the police ought to have utilized mental control. Gitmo Cases As per Chisun Lee, the National Law diary (2006), the Government lost very nearly 15 instances of the detainees after the prisoners said they were observers of persuasive cross examinations from the police. One of the issues that added up to the power was an improper confinement. In ths case, the Government dismissed all the confirmations in light of the fact that the investigators were blamed for utilizing verbal dangers just as physical maltreatment which they called torment. Notwithstanding, the Government won 8 arguments against the detainees. (Lee, 2010) This has represented a major issue to the Unites States Government. This is on the grounds that the Government believes that the detainees are too hazardous to even consider being discharged. Then again, these detainees can't be indicted in any court, military or regular citizen. This could have been maintained a strategic distance from if the police not utilized over the top power in the cross examinations. What might have been done another way? The police would have built up a physiological control so as to accomplish better outcomes from the cross examinations. The cross examinations ought not have been founded on the physical treats and scaring yet a refined mental control. Promotion Redlch, Law and psychiatry (2004). The other technique that could be utilized to do things another way is to control cross examination or have control of cross examinations. The Government ought to get a proof methodology from the criminal law. In this methodology the investigator can just prevail with regards to demonstrating the liable or honest of the individual denounced through belligerence. This would assist with maintaining a strategic distance from such occasions and allegations. The Putten Murder Willem Wagner, European audit (2002), characteristics that cross examination strategies that misdirect or recommend may influence the honesty of the people being blamed. This is on the grounds that such strategy influences the guiltless individuals mentally and they start to imagine themselves carrying out these violations. This is obvious in admissions which are gotten after many rehashed cross examinations in an extensive stretch. In this way, admissions as indicated by Willem case are not the acceptable proof to use for a situation. This is on the grounds that it contains the component of trickiness and proposal. The Putten murder case is an instance of two blameless men (Kapoor, 2003). These men were detained for a long time yet they were blameless. The admissions from these two men were gotten after many rehashed cross examinations in an extensive stretch. These two men at long last admitted to the wrongdoings that they didn't submit. This made a major issue the cross examination group. The cross examination strategy that they utilized came about to the conviction of two guiltless men while the guilty party despite everything strolls the lanes of Netherlands free. The principle goal of criminal examinations, as per Willem, sets no cap for what is satisfactory despite the fact that bogus admission is a genuine hazard to the general public and to the individual being implicated. This can be adjusted and made right just if later on the police examinations were controlled and restricted. There ought to be a law that confines the utilization of exorbitant power during cross examinations. Then again, this would represent another issue to the police power. This is on the grounds that hard hoodlums would take addvantage of this reality or law and use it for their own advantages. Maltreatment of Iraqs Detainees The photographs of the Iraq prisoners maltreatment at the Abu Ghariab jail have left numerous individuals stunned. In the start of the case the prisoners were happy to help out examiners. Later it was decoded that more data could be gotten from the prisoners by the utilization of power and intimidation. During the cross examination, the investigative specialists beat the prisoners illogically; they utilized clench hands and obtuse articles. That particular prisoner passed on while in the guardianship of the United States. He kicked the bucket before he could give the specialists the data they required. Dr. Marvin Zalman (2007), Constitution and society, traits that torment is precluded. He expresses that perpetrating torment on a detainee, regardless of whether it is physical torment or mental torment, is cruel. Each individual has the right to be treated with deference and poise. The wrongdoing they are blamed for submitting ought not be motivation to utilize torment and cause torme nt (Zalman, 2007). The central issue is what detainees ought to be tormented? Should fear based oppressors be tormented so as to acquire data from them? Is torment defended in such cases? Christopher Hickens, an English rationalist, makes a significant moment that he properties that a man who knows where the bomb is, places the guides into him quickly. Is there anything like effective torment? The appropriate response is certainly no! This is on the grounds that torment consistently negatively affects both the detainee and the questioner. Physical and mental torment may not leave an imprint that is recognizable however will leave a changeless imprint that no eyes can see. The utilization of exorbitant power likewise powers individuals who are honest to admit to the violations they didn't submit. This is on the grounds that the greater part of these individuals can not stand the torment any more. In such manner, cross examinations ought to be controlled and directed. There ought to be laws and decides that oversee and confine the utilization of unnecessary power. Torment is pointless and doesn't bear any positive outcomes. The police agents who are blamed for utilizing over the top power ought to be rebuffed in an official courtroom. This is on the grounds that the utilization of exorbitant power is its very own wrongdoing kind. Hence, nations, states and countries should stop the perpetual torment that goes on in a correctional facility and in the cross examination rooms (Wagenaar, 2002). This bad habit ought to be put under exacting control. Each person has a privilege to be treated as an individual. This paper has dissected five unique cases that included cross examination and have messed up the case. Comparable cases are on the ascent in a wide range of nations. The finding of this paper is that the utilization of exorbitant power, dispensing physical or mental agony and torment are violations which ought to be rebuffed. Purchase custom Police Investigation exposition
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethics Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Morals Case Study - Essay Example Jerry’s preparing inside the clinical field encompasses him to not be in a situation from where he can endorse anybody a medication. This makes him excluded to determine an issue nearby, which for this situation has happened when Dr. Williams was absent on his seat. There is a likelihood that Dr. Williams has basically prohibited dose of Valium to a specific patient, and for this situation if Jerry McCall recommends use of Valium just based on being Dr. Williams’ companion, at that point this will end up being a moral issue no different. Henceforth it would be fitting enough for Jerry McCall to avoid himself as much as possible from making that exploitative move by endorsing medication to this patient which essentially violates his power by a serious reasonable extent. 2 Would it have any kind of effect if the medicine mentioned were for control of hypertension that the patient basically needs regularly? Why or why not? One ought to accept that it would not be any extra ordinary if the mentioned prescription controls hypertension. There would be no distinction if the conversation fixated on bringing down it no different. The purpose behind this is the sort of drug required to be given by Jerry McCall or some other individual in control is inappropriate. He should look for the guidance of Dr. Williams and since he is absent on his seat, it would be a shrewd choice to wait and ask Dr. Williams’ companion to sit tight for a specific time. Dr. Williams alone would be the best individual to propose which medication and how much dose would be esteemed as a fitting one for his companion under such a condition. The patient must realize that Dr. Williams just can support him and nobody else from his staff has the privilege or the position to give a top off request. 3 If Jerry brings in the top off and the patient has an unfavorable response while flying, is Jerry shielded from a claim under the principle of respondent predominant? It is sheltered to propose that Jerry McCall would not increase any insurance from a claim. This is on the grounds that under the premise of the principle of respondent prevalent, if the patient feels that he has had an unfavorable response despite the fact that he is flying; there are not kidding legitimate issues which will go to the fore. There would be not kidding accusations for Jerry McCall as he will be the person who achieved the prescription domains towards the patient. Basically, it will likewise make Dr. Williams compelled by a sense of honor and in this manner he would likewise need to experience the claim as Jerry is his representative. Since the medicine was never refreshing in any case and was absolutely inappropriate, the job that Jerry plays under such a circumstance turns out to be considerably increasingly noteworthy. The purpose behind this is he was never given the consent to accommodate prescription to patients as he doesn't meet all requirements for any post inside Dr. Williamsà ¢â‚¬â„¢ office. One must not overlook that he is an office associate, and along these lines his activity spaces don't permit him to regulate giving a top off request for patients as and when required by the patients. Thus, the claim would come to fruition on Jerry McCall just as Dr. Williams for being careless towards their obligations and for being dishonest inside their working premise (Weber, 2000). 4 What is your recommendation to Jerry? On the off chance that somebody could offer a guidance to Jerry, it would be that he ought to play out his activity alone and not consider accomplishing something which can be viewed as a corrupt demonstration. He should not meddle inside the working premise of his boss †Dr. Williams. On the off chance that he does as such, he will have the option to keep up
Thursday, August 20, 2020
How to Make Sure You Dont Burnout As An Entrepreneur
How to Make Sure You Don’t Burnout As An Entrepreneur REASONS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP BURNOUTIn the context of the above discussion, following lines explain some of the most common reasons why entrepreneurs struggle with entrepreneurship burnout in the first place.1) Work OverloadWork overload is the most common reason for the entrepreneurship burnout without any doubt. The competition in all industries and professions is constantly on the rise, making the business owners to work extra hard so that they can rise above the competition and maintain a sustainable growth rate.Secondly, some entrepreneurs simply try to do many different things simultaneously instead of focusing on their main goals in a hope to achieve success. Nowadays, most entrepreneurs hold so many offices and handle so many responsibilities that they don’t have time for their families, friends or their wellbeing. The repetitive routine ultimately causes the burnout from which there is no escape.2) You Don’t Take Professional HelpSometimes it also happens that you try to do something that you are not good at in order to save money or out of stubbornness. If you want to succeed, you must be aware of what you can do and what are the things only experts can handle. If you try to do everything yourself, you will not only waste a lot of money and valuable time but will suffer from stress and exhaustion, two of the biggest reasons of burnout.3) You Don’t Delegate TasksIt is a big dilemma that most entrepreneurs hesitate to delegate tasks and duties to your employees or virtual assistants. As a result, they have to work really hard and extra in order to get the results and attain the set goals. This extra pressure and burden of work often lead to burnout. A lot has been written on the importance of delegating tasks to your employees, and you need to follow those instructions if you want to succeed without causing problems for your health.4) Succumbing to Negative OutcomesEntrepreneurship is not a bed of roses by any stretch of imaginations. Failures are part and parcel of an entrepreneur’s life, and if you succumb to the negative outcomes, you are never going to succeed. History presents many such examples when people turned around the negative situation in their favor and achieved unprecedented success, and there is no reason you cannot follow suit.5) Information OverloadThis is the era of information overload, and everyone can access the information he requires without any real hassle and entrepreneurs are no exception. The abundance of information can be very useful, but it can make life difficult for you as an entrepreneur as well. Information overload can create many serious problems such as poor decision-making and lack of strategic thinking. It can also make you focus less on business basics and neglect the information that is useful, effectively putting your business under the cloud.6) Lack of SynergyLack of synergic business relationship with your employees, colleagues and peers is also another reason of entrepreneurship burnout. If there is a lack of synergy between your business units, they are going to consume more resources to get the job done while failing to achieve the required quality and quantity output.7) Choice of Wrong PartnersConsequences of selecting a business partner with little or no outthought can be drastic. The wrong business partner can bring your business down in a hurry, and the end result will be burnout due to sheer disappointment and lack of the results you once dreamed of.SYMPTOMS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP BURNOUTThere are many signs of warnings that indicate that you need to take precautionary measures to avoid entrepreneurship burnout. In this regard, some of the most importance symptoms of entrepreneurship burnout are as follows.Trouble Concentrating on Your Work: One of the biggest and most important symptoms of burnout is that you are simply unable to concentrate on your work without any apparent reason. There are many health problems that make it impossible for you to con centrate on almost everything you do. A trip to the doctor is mandatory if the problem is sever or if it comes suddenly. On the other hand, a burnout is beckoning if you cannot concentrate only on business-related matters.No Time for Family and Friends: A man needs to spend as much time as possible with his family in order to stay healthy, fresh and motivated. Similarly, you also need to partake in your favorite sport or hobby on a regular basis. There is no doubt you want to do the things you love the most, but you are going to miss some of them because you have some important business matters to look after. However, burnout will struck you if you only think and care about your business and nothing else.You Suffer from Stress and Depression: You have started your business to earn money and bring more joy to your family. Stress and depression are the likely outcomes if things are not happening according to your expectations. Stress is an integral part of every businessman’s life b ut if it becomes overwhelming and painful, you are suffering from burnout and only need to focus on areas of your business that can make you happy.You are Overwhelmed: It is always rewarding to make a name for yourself in your particular areas of expertise. There is no better way to accomplish the task than to start your own business and work extremely hard until you reach your destination. However, a time comes when you get so overwhelmed by all these things that want to hide somewhere forever. This is, in fact, a burnout symptom, and you must not take it easy. Remember that you are a human with certain limitations and it is always refreshing to take a break rather than trying to move on when you cannot.Reduced Performance: Are you working extremely hard and have almost drained yourself but your overall performance is on the decline? This means that there is something definitely and horribly wrong, and you need to take remedial actions as soon as possible. Instead of working hard, you must work smart and try to produce more output with less input.Emotional Exhaustion: Emotional exhaustion is one of the major components of entrepreneurship burnout. It occurs when you have the feeling that you are completely drained out due to people and work demands or both. You lose control of your emotions because you are so emotionally tired. Some important symptoms of emotional exhaustion include insomnia, increased pessimism, depression and stress, reduced creativity, anger and blaming others for your failures, etc.HOW TO AVOID OR OVERCOME ENTREPRENEURSHIP BURNOUT?Entrepreneurship burnout can impact your life and business in the worst possible manner. It is also a fact that most entrepreneurs do not take drastic consequences of burnout into account while planning for future. But you should try your level best to keep burnout at bay and following the tips below.Start with a Positive Mindset: The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you cannot achieve overnight succ ess and those who think so live in a fool’s paradise. You need a tremendous amount of time and energy to establish and run a successful business. Therefore, you will suffer burnout if you try to achieve too much in a very short span of time. Remember, entrepreneurship is a long-term process, and your success, in the long run, depends upon how far you can go.Set Fair Expectations and Goals: Dissatisfaction and exhaustion are two biggest reasons of the burnout business leaders suffer from. You will eventually get tired when you work for long periods of time but do not get desired results. Disappointment creeps in when you fail to achieve your goals making it important for you to set realistic and measurable goals. Remember that success will take a long time to come and you need to do goals setting and future planning accordingly.Pay attention to Early Warning Signs: Just like every other disorder, entrepreneurship burnout has its distinct symptoms (explained above). It is important for you to pay attention to these symptoms as soon as they appear in order to protect yourself and your organization from drastic consequences. You have to take remedial actions as early as possible in order keep everything in check and running smoothly.Prioritize your Tasks: It is understandable that you have to do many things as a business leader, especially in the early days of your business. But as the time passes, you need to prioritize your tasks and concentrate only on jobs you love to do the most. It is also imperative to align your tasks and everything you do with your business goals if you want to prevent burnout and attain those goals.Get a Good Business Partner: Just like a bad business partner can totally ruin your business; a good one can be a real blessing for you. Your combined skills and knowledge can take your business to new heights of success. Similarly, he can provide you much needed financial and moral support whenever required in addition to helping you to get tax and registration benefits. If everything goes well, there will be no business failures and burnouts.Delegate Tasks and Duties: As mentioned above, an entrepreneur does not need to do everything himself. On the contrary, you need to empower your employees and virtual assistants, build trust in them and delegate as many tasks to them as possible. This not only enhances your efficiency but also leads to the greater levels of productivity at individual, team and organizational level. This also provides growth opportunities to your employees and increase their loyalty and support. As a result, the organization as a whole flourishes which in turn eliminates any chances of burnout and similar problems.Maintain a work Life Balance: It is absolutely important for you to maintain a proper work-life balance. There are many entrepreneurs who suffer from burnout simply because they concentrate all their energies on their work and don’t have time for family or friends. Entrepreneurship is not only about your profession but your lifestyle as well and you must try to establish real boundaries between both aspects of your life.Find a Perfect Routine for Yourself: There are entrepreneurs who work haphazardly without any set routine and ultimately pay the price. If you want to make your business successful in the long run without burning out, you have to find a routine that works best for you. For instance, there are many business leaders who don’t work before 10 am or after 6 pm. You have to set a schedule for yourself which maintains a balance between life and work otherwise you will be burning yourself out if you just focus on your business twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.Take Regular Rests, Holidays, and Breakouts: It is understandable that your life as an entrepreneur is never easy. You have to take care of many important things not only in your office but your home as well. But it does not mean that you start neglecting your health and well-being. It is necessary for you to take the regular rest to restore your energy and vigor, required to run a business successfully. Similarly, going on holidays with family or friends will also refresh your mind and bod and help you to better concentrate on jobs at hand when you return to your office.Keep Stressful Situations at Bay: Entrepreneurs often feel stressed and lonely at the top, and you can experience the same fate as well. Sometimes, the pressure of running a business becomes intolerable, and this is when you start feeling stressed. The best way to keep stress at bay is to prepare a comprehensive stress relief guideline including flexible working hours, rooms in the office to enjoy and relax, unlimited vacations, or even meditations. Sleep is another great stress buster, and you need to sleep for at least 6-8 hours a day. You can also manage entrepreneurship stress by staying in the company of other entrepreneurs, sharing and distributing your stress and finding and enjoying things y ou are passionate about. Last but not the least; you can also build a strong support group with which you can share your challenges and get advice about your problems.Healthy Food and Exercise: Everyone knows how important healthy diet and fitness are for his health. But if you are an entrepreneur, you have to take extra care of your health and set apart some time from your busy schedule for exercise. Exercise not only reduces stress but also helps you to be more creative. Setting some tough, physical goals also enables you to rediscover the importance of determination and goals setting. All these things eventually help you to concentrate on your business and avoid burnout in the process.Enjoy what you do: It is a fact that entrepreneurs lose interest in their business with the passage of time. Things you once loved become a sort of burden and you try to escape from the reality. There is nothing wrong in saying that if you don’t enjoy what you do, you are never going to succeed. O n the other hand, there is every chance that you suffer from burnout and other problems if you are running a business for the sake of running it but cannot derive any satisfaction or happiness from it.CONCLUSION Today, many people dream of becoming an entrepreneur. No doubt, entrepreneurship is a rewarding and rich experience and leaves you with the real career satisfaction that you cannot achieve while working for someone else. You set your own goals, make your own rules and write your destiny but all these benefits don’t come without a cost.If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be highly committed and make sacrifices on regular occasions. Even if you have a great support system and a positive attitude to start with, the extra pressure of being an entrepreneur and extensively rigorous routine will start taking their toll on your life. Therefore, if you are the one who is suffering from the entrepreneurship burnout, you are not alone in the world.Businessmen of all ages and experiences can struggle with entrepreneurship burnout. It is quite natural that you will be getting frustrated and exhausted with your business after years of effort and in most cases, monotonous lif estyle. Entrepreneurship burnout can strike you at any time regardless of your age and experience or how successful you have been. © pixabay | SkitterphotoIn this article, we explore 1) the reasons of entrepreneurship burnout, 2) symptoms of entrepreneurship burnout, 3) how to avoid entrepreneurship burnout, and 4) a short conclusion.REASONS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP BURNOUTIn the context of the above discussion, following lines explain some of the most common reasons why entrepreneurs struggle with entrepreneurship burnout in the first place.1) Work OverloadWork overload is the most common reason for the entrepreneurship burnout without any doubt. The competition in all industries and professions is constantly on the rise, making the business owners to work extra hard so that they can rise above the competition and maintain a sustainable growth rate.Secondly, some entrepreneurs simply try to do many different things simultaneously instead of focusing on their main goals in a hope to achieve success. Nowadays, most entrepreneurs hold so many offices and handle so many responsibilities that they don’t have time for their families, friends or their wellbeing. The repetitive routine ultimately causes the burnout from which there is no escape.2) You Don’t Take Professional HelpSometimes it also happens that you try to do something that you are not good at in order to save money or out of stubbornness. If you want to succeed, you must be aware of what you can do and what are the things only experts can handle. If you try to do everything yourself, you will not only waste a lot of money and valuable time but will suffer from stress and exhaustion, two of the biggest reasons of burnout.3) You Don’t Delegate TasksIt is a big dilemma that most entrepreneurs hesitate to delegate tasks and duties to your employees or virtual assistants. As a result, they have to work really hard and extra in order to get the results and attain the set goals. This extra pressure and burden of work often lead to burnout. A lot has been written on the importance of delegating tasks to your employees, and you need to fo llow those instructions if you want to succeed without causing problems for your health.4) Succumbing to Negative OutcomesEntrepreneurship is not a bed of roses by any stretch of imaginations. Failures are part and parcel of an entrepreneur’s life, and if you succumb to the negative outcomes, you are never going to succeed. History presents many such examples when people turned around the negative situation in their favor and achieved unprecedented success, and there is no reason you cannot follow suit.5) Information OverloadThis is the era of information overload, and everyone can access the information he requires without any real hassle and entrepreneurs are no exception. The abundance of information can be very useful, but it can make life difficult for you as an entrepreneur as well. Information overload can create many serious problems such as poor decision-making and lack of strategic thinking. It can also make you focus less on business basics and neglect the information t hat is useful, effectively putting your business under the cloud.6) Lack of SynergyLack of synergic business relationship with your employees, colleagues and peers is also another reason of entrepreneurship burnout. If there is a lack of synergy between your business units, they are going to consume more resources to get the job done while failing to achieve the required quality and quantity output.7) Choice of Wrong PartnersConsequences of selecting a business partner with little or no outthought can be drastic. The wrong business partner can bring your business down in a hurry, and the end result will be burnout due to sheer disappointment and lack of the results you once dreamed of.SYMPTOMS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP BURNOUTThere are many signs of warnings that indicate that you need to take precautionary measures to avoid entrepreneurship burnout. In this regard, some of the most importance symptoms of entrepreneurship burnout are as follows.Trouble Concentrating on Your Work: One of t he biggest and most important symptoms of burnout is that you are simply unable to concentrate on your work without any apparent reason. There are many health problems that make it impossible for you to concentrate on almost everything you do. A trip to the doctor is mandatory if the problem is sever or if it comes suddenly. On the other hand, a burnout is beckoning if you cannot concentrate only on business-related matters.No Time for Family and Friends: A man needs to spend as much time as possible with his family in order to stay healthy, fresh and motivated. Similarly, you also need to partake in your favorite sport or hobby on a regular basis. There is no doubt you want to do the things you love the most, but you are going to miss some of them because you have some important business matters to look after. However, burnout will struck you if you only think and care about your business and nothing else.You Suffer from Stress and Depression: You have started your business to earn money and bring more joy to your family. Stress and depression are the likely outcomes if things are not happening according to your expectations. Stress is an integral part of every businessman’s life but if it becomes overwhelming and painful, you are suffering from burnout and only need to focus on areas of your business that can make you happy.You are Overwhelmed: It is always rewarding to make a name for yourself in your particular areas of expertise. There is no better way to accomplish the task than to start your own business and work extremely hard until you reach your destination. However, a time comes when you get so overwhelmed by all these things that want to hide somewhere forever. This is, in fact, a burnout symptom, and you must not take it easy. Remember that you are a human with certain limitations and it is always refreshing to take a break rather than trying to move on when you cannot.Reduced Performance: Are you working extremely hard and have almost drained y ourself but your overall performance is on the decline? This means that there is something definitely and horribly wrong, and you need to take remedial actions as soon as possible. Instead of working hard, you must work smart and try to produce more output with less input.Emotional Exhaustion: Emotional exhaustion is one of the major components of entrepreneurship burnout. It occurs when you have the feeling that you are completely drained out due to people and work demands or both. You lose control of your emotions because you are so emotionally tired. Some important symptoms of emotional exhaustion include insomnia, increased pessimism, depression and stress, reduced creativity, anger and blaming others for your failures, etc.HOW TO AVOID OR OVERCOME ENTREPRENEURSHIP BURNOUT?Entrepreneurship burnout can impact your life and business in the worst possible manner. It is also a fact that most entrepreneurs do not take drastic consequences of burnout into account while planning for fu ture. But you should try your level best to keep burnout at bay and following the tips below.Start with a Positive Mindset: The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you cannot achieve overnight success and those who think so live in a fool’s paradise. You need a tremendous amount of time and energy to establish and run a successful business. Therefore, you will suffer burnout if you try to achieve too much in a very short span of time. Remember, entrepreneurship is a long-term process, and your success, in the long run, depends upon how far you can go.Set Fair Expectations and Goals: Dissatisfaction and exhaustion are two biggest reasons of the burnout business leaders suffer from. You will eventually get tired when you work for long periods of time but do not get desired results. Disappointment creeps in when you fail to achieve your goals making it important for you to set realistic and measurable goals. Remember that success will take a long time to come and you need to do goals setting and future planning accordingly.Pay attention to Early Warning Signs: Just like every other disorder, entrepreneurship burnout has its distinct symptoms (explained above). It is important for you to pay attention to these symptoms as soon as they appear in order to protect yourself and your organization from drastic consequences. You have to take remedial actions as early as possible in order keep everything in check and running smoothly.Prioritize your Tasks: It is understandable that you have to do many things as a business leader, especially in the early days of your business. But as the time passes, you need to prioritize your tasks and concentrate only on jobs you love to do the most. It is also imperative to align your tasks and everything you do with your business goals if you want to prevent burnout and attain those goals.Get a Good Business Partner: Just like a bad business partner can totally ruin your business; a good one can be a real blessing for you. Your combined skills and knowledge can take your business to new heights of success. Similarly, he can provide you much needed financial and moral support whenever required in addition to helping you to get tax and registration benefits. If everything goes well, there will be no business failures and burnouts.Delegate Tasks and Duties: As mentioned above, an entrepreneur does not need to do everything himself. On the contrary, you need to empower your employees and virtual assistants, build trust in them and delegate as many tasks to them as possible. This not only enhances your efficiency but also leads to the greater levels of productivity at individual, team and organizational level. This also provides growth opportunities to your employees and increase their loyalty and support. As a result, the organization as a whole flourishes which in turn eliminates any chances of burnout and similar problems.Maintain a work Life Balance: It is absolutely important for you to maintain a pro per work-life balance. There are many entrepreneurs who suffer from burnout simply because they concentrate all their energies on their work and don’t have time for family or friends. Entrepreneurship is not only about your profession but your lifestyle as well and you must try to establish real boundaries between both aspects of your life.Find a Perfect Routine for Yourself: There are entrepreneurs who work haphazardly without any set routine and ultimately pay the price. If you want to make your business successful in the long run without burning out, you have to find a routine that works best for you. For instance, there are many business leaders who don’t work before 10 am or after 6 pm. You have to set a schedule for yourself which maintains a balance between life and work otherwise you will be burning yourself out if you just focus on your business twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.Take Regular Rests, Holidays, and Breakouts: It is understandable that your life as an entrepreneur is never easy. You have to take care of many important things not only in your office but your home as well. But it does not mean that you start neglecting your health and well-being. It is necessary for you to take the regular rest to restore your energy and vigor, required to run a business successfully. Similarly, going on holidays with family or friends will also refresh your mind and bod and help you to better concentrate on jobs at hand when you return to your office.Keep Stressful Situations at Bay: Entrepreneurs often feel stressed and lonely at the top, and you can experience the same fate as well. Sometimes, the pressure of running a business becomes intolerable, and this is when you start feeling stressed. The best way to keep stress at bay is to prepare a comprehensive stress relief guideline including flexible working hours, rooms in the office to enjoy and relax, unlimited vacations, or even meditations. Sleep is another great stress buster, and you ne ed to sleep for at least 6-8 hours a day. You can also manage entrepreneurship stress by staying in the company of other entrepreneurs, sharing and distributing your stress and finding and enjoying things you are passionate about. Last but not the least; you can also build a strong support group with which you can share your challenges and get advice about your problems.Healthy Food and Exercise: Everyone knows how important healthy diet and fitness are for his health. But if you are an entrepreneur, you have to take extra care of your health and set apart some time from your busy schedule for exercise. Exercise not only reduces stress but also helps you to be more creative. Setting some tough, physical goals also enables you to rediscover the importance of determination and goals setting. All these things eventually help you to concentrate on your business and avoid burnout in the process.Enjoy what you do: It is a fact that entrepreneurs lose interest in their business with the pa ssage of time. Things you once loved become a sort of burden and you try to escape from the reality. There is nothing wrong in saying that if you don’t enjoy what you do, you are never going to succeed. On the other hand, there is every chance that you suffer from burnout and other problems if you are running a business for the sake of running it but cannot derive any satisfaction or happiness from it.CONCLUSIONEntrepreneurship burnout can play havoc with your personal and professional life. However, if you can implement some or all of the above mentioned strategies, you can easily avoid the burnout or at least minimize the damage it can inflict. Most importantly, these tips will help you rediscover your passion for your business and start living a normal and successful life once again.Finally, you also need to remember that you have to face continuously trials and challenges as an entrepreneur. You will only become a successful entrepreneur if you can take on these challenges wit h courage and confidence. There is nothing in the world which can stop you from becoming successful if you are open to new ideas and changes and can stay strong in the face of adversity.Image credit: pixabay | Skitterphoto under Public Domain Dedication.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Introduction to Density Definition and Calculation
A materials density is defined as its mass per unit volume. Put another way, density is the ratio between mass and volume or mass per unit volume. It is a measure of how much stuff an object has in a unit volume (cubic meter or cubic centimeter). Density is essentially a measurement of how tightly matter is crammed together. The principle of density was discovered by the Greek scientist Archimedes, but it is easy to calculate if you know the formula and understand its related units. Density Formula To calculate the density (usually represented by the Greek letter à ) of an object, take the mass (m) and divide by the volume (v): à m / v The SI unit of density is kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3). It is also frequently represented in the cgs unit of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). How to Find Density In studying density, it can be helpful to work a sample problem using the formula for density, as mentioned in the previous section. Recall that though density is, indeed, mass divided by volume, it is often measured in units of grams per cubic centimeter because grams represent a standard weight, while cubic centimeters represent the volume of the object. For this problem, take a brick of salt measuring 10.0 cm x 10.0 cm x 2.0 cm, which weighs 433 grams. To find the density, use the formula, which helps you determine the amount of mass per unit volume, or: à   m / v In this example, you have the dimensions of the object, so you have to calculate the volume. The formula for volume depends on the shape of the object, but its a simple calculation for a box: v length x width x thicknessv 10.0 cm x 10.0 cm x 2.0 cmv 200.0 cm^3 Now that you have the mass and volume, calculate the density, as follows: à   m / và   433 g/200.0 cm^3à   2.165 g/cm^3 Thus, the density of the salt brick is 2.165 g/ cm^3. Using Density One of the most common uses of density is in how different materials interact when mixed together. Wood floats in water because it has a lower density, while an anchor sinks because the metal has a higher density. Helium balloons float because the density of the helium is lower than the density of the air. When your automotive service station tests various liquids, like transmission fluid, it will pour some of the fluid into a hydrometer. The hydrometer has several calibrated objects, some of which float in the liquid. By observing which of the objects float, the service station employees can determine the density of the liquid. In the case of the transmission fluid, this test reveals whether service station employees need to replace it immediately, or whether the fluid still has some life in it. Density allows you to solve for mass and volume if given the other quantity. Since the density of common substances is known, this calculation is fairly straightforward, in the form. (Note that the asterisk symbolâ€â€*â€â€is used to avoid confusion with the variables for volume and density, à and v, respectively.) v * à mor​​m / à v The change in density can also be useful in analyzing some situations, such as whenever a chemical conversion is taking place and energy is being released. The charge in a storage battery, for example, is an acidic solution. As the battery discharges electricity, the acid combines with the lead in the battery to form a new chemical, which results in a decrease in the density of the solution. This density can be measured to determine the batterys level of remaining charge. Density is a key concept in analyzing how materials interact in fluid mechanics, weather, geology, material sciences, engineering, and other fields of physics. Specific Gravity A concept related to density is the specific gravity (or, even more appropriate, relative density) of a material, which is the ratio of the materials density to the density of water. An object with a specific gravity less than one will float in water, while a specific gravity greater than one means it will sink. It is this principle that allows, for example, a balloon filled with hot air to float in relation to the rest of the air.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How Parents Religious Affiliation Affects the Way
Parenting methods have been affected by numerous factors over the years. Parenting is something that is obviously successful or in the worst case, has failed miserably! We found that the parents religious affiliation affects the way they raise their children. The particular theologies theory posits that different religious affiliations put varying efforts into emphasizing family-formation strategies (Pearce 2002: 325). Religious affiliations, inspired parents to be fervent on implanting strong morals, maintaining close relational ties within their family, and encourage positive community involvement with their particular religious affiliation. Parents religion motivates parents to avidly implant morals in their children through†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, discipline doesnt always have to be punishing a child; sometimes it is simply instructing and guiding them as to what choices to make, so that they dont have to be disciplined when they find themselves at a crossroad and they end up on a road that isnt very beneficial. If parents focus on making their children knowledgeable on the `space between places in social relations-not on individuals or families or particular institutions, but on the space where these important social bodies intersect, they will help their children avoid bad decisions (Schweigert 1999: 170). Conservative Protestant parenting literature suggests that training children in the virtues of obedience is the first step toward their worldly success and eternal salvation, while neglect of this gradual obedience training may ultimately result in the burden of failed parenting, and it also will have detrimental affects on the children. One issue that could be researched further is how the global values of obedience and autonomy may hold divergent meanings for different segments of theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Religion On School Performance867 Words  | 4 Pageshis or her religion pushes or from the environment they are immersed in, some aspect of religion is thought to affect school performance. Religion is an important factor in almost everyone’s life, even if they claim to be non-religious. Religion has somehow affected several parts of everyone’s life, whether adversely or advantageously. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Serving Customers In Global Market Free Essays
Introduction: The communication material selected is the Virgin Atlantic website because of the information it contains regarding customer experience and what they should expect from the company in terms of service delivery and charges. The company states that customer service and commitment is the major driving force behind the brand. It goes on to state that the company believes in getting things right the first time but even if lapses occasionally occur then it will do its best to ensure that the mistakes are rectified in time. We will write a custom essay sample on Serving Customers In Global Market or any similar topic only for you Order Now Understanding the psychology of the customer is extremely important to businesses because it helps them in figuring out the customer demands (Schiffman, Kanuk, Hansen, 2012). Good understanding and implementation of business psychology leads to more customers because the satisfied ones often tend to spread the message to their colleagues with an aim of influencing them to try the service. However, the converse is also true because when they do not like the experience, they will as well spread around the bad message (Donnelly Harrison, 2009). Businesses should therefore always strive to ensure that they understand the demands of the clients and then move on to give them the best experience in terms of service delivery because failure to do this only leads to loss of consumers (Palmer 2011). The key message that the advertiser wishes to communicate to the customers is that it believes that they have the right to information regarding the level of service they expect from the company all the time even in the rare moments when it falls short of the high standards set by the company. Importance of understanding Theories of Consumer Psychology: The message in the Virgin Atlantic’s website attracts the attention of the consumers because it has positioned itself as a company offering the lowest possible fares in the industry. Many people prefer paying less for more and this is what the company is banking on as it promises the consumers to give them the best service at the best rates in the industry (Solomon et al 2010). The layout of the site is also a major factor in attracting the attention of the consumers because most of the information is available and easily retrievable thus giving the clients an easy time when it comes to booking and making travel arrangements. The message facilitates the learning of the consumers in order to embed the message in their memory as recommended by the theories of consumer psychology. The company informs the consumers prior to booking on what they should expect from the company. Once they have this information, then they know what to expect from Virgin Atlantic in terms of service delivery. The standards set by the company are very high and at times, it fails to attain them but the consumers know this in advance so that in case of any mishaps the extent of the damage is not grossly over exaggerated. Virgin Atlantic motivates the consumers to act in the way the company desires through giving them what they desire and at reasonable costs that are well below the industrial average. It does this through setting very high standards for the company and then offering them to the clients at the lowest possible price in the industry. Everyone often desires to have the best service and when this comes along with the lowes t possible prices then the motivation to use Virgin Atlantic will always be high (Dibb, Simpkin, Ferrell, 2006). The company’s communication system therefore covers all the four aspects of theory of consumer psychology. Donnelly Harrison G, (2009) state that personality often influences the way consumers respond to the marketing messages. As such, the management of the company knows how to position itself in order to achieve its objectives. Virgin Atlantic predominantly uses the cognitive marketing strategy in winning over the trust of consumers. It does this by presenting pieces of information or rational arguments concerning its services to the consumers (Janson-Boyd, 2010).This method proves to be effective for Virgin Atlantic because the important message in the advert is on the attributes of the services it renders and the benefits that the consumers can derive from them. The company has designed the message in manner that influences the beliefs of the consumers with an aim of enticing them into using its services. Virgin Atlantic mostly relies on functional theory in packaging its advertisements as a way of attracting and retaining consumers. According to this theory, households form attitudes in order to be able to structure, organize and summarize large information on an entity (Buttle 2007). In this case, therefore, attitudes primarily serve as functions of knowledge. Knowledge can be either perceptual or conceptual in nature. Attitudes often express self-perceptions, values and preferences hence playing a big role in the consumer decision-making process (Gronroos2007).Owing to the fact that attitudes facilitate interpersonal communication and also serve as a function of value expression, Virgin Atlantic pays close attention in informing the potential consumers on the reasons why its services are the best in the industry. All the services of the airline are available on the site for easy access. Conclusion: The selected message meets all the requirements of theory as it efficiently informs the potential consumers on what they should expect from the company. The message is not only informative but also appealing to the audience as it intends to influence their attitudes about the company. The company can improve the message on the website by informing the potential consumers on the challenges facing the industry and the average industrial charges. It can actually indicate that they are the best airline in the industry by offering comparisons of their services and the costs with those of the industry. Once the consumers see this they will tend to form positive attitudes towards Virgin Atlantic and then inform their colleagues to try it. The functional approach chosen by the company fits very well in its advertising methods as it tries to create an advantage over its peers in the industry. Bibliography: Buttle. F. (2007) Customer Relationship Management. Elsevier Dibb,S., Simpkin, L., Ferrell, O.C. (2006) Marketing Concepts and Strategies, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Donnelly, R. Harrison G, (2009) The Marketing Planning Process, Butterworth-Heinemann, London Gronroos, C (2007) Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition, 3rd ed, Wiley Janson-Boyd, C.V. (2010). Consumer Psychology. Maidenhead : Open University Press Palmer A (2011) Principles of Service Marketing 6th Ed. McGraw Hill Schiffman, L.G., Kanuk, L.L. Hansen, H. (2012). Consumer Behaviour – A European Outlook. 2nd. ed. Harlow: Pearson. Solomon, M et al. (2010). Consumer Behaviour – A European Perspective. 4th ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Virgin Atlantic Website. How to cite Serving Customers In Global Market, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Name Security Vulnerability Eternal Rocks †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Name Of The Security Vulnerability Eternal Rocks? Answer: Introducation A serious and very dangerous ransomware that has been generally identified as the next evolution of the previously used WannaCry group of ransomware. Similar to WannaCry, EternalRocks may encrypt the host files of the systems it infects however, it's said to be stronger than its predecessor which had many operational loopholes thus was easier to slow down and even circumvent (Trend micro, 2017). In lights of this new threat, the profile below analyses risks of the threat and provides a detailed account of the systems it attacks as well as the exploitation and mitigation procedures. Systems that are attacked Discovered by Croatian ICT expert by the name Miroslav Stamper, EternalRocks operations like any other worm where its propagation is led by the flaws seen in the SMB protocol i.e. the so called EternalBlue flaws (Paganini, 2017). Now, the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is a file sharing protocol that is used by Microsoft Windows systems to transfer files (data) over networks. The protocol is mostly used in the application layer where it serves as presentation protocol for the transferred data. Therefore, based on the protocol that the ransomware exploits, this threat is purely based on Windows systems i.e. servers and PC that use Windows operating systems. EternalRocks also seem to hold a deeper malicious intention as it lays dormant in machines awaiting future instructions that could basically weaponise it. In essence, unlike WannaCry which deliberately encrypted files or infected machines with malware to form botnets, EternalRocks in its newly discovered form infects machines and awaits other commands that could activate it in the future (Microsoft, 2017). Furthermore, it lacks an all-inclusive kill switch, similar to the one used to mitigate the attacks presented by WannaCry which further increases its severity. In addition to this, Eternal Blue (the Microsoft Windows vulnerability) has a 24 hours delay timer for its activation which has increasingly frustrated the studies of understanding the malware. Attack procedure First and foremost, the threat (EternalRocks) disguises itself as the old and controllable WannaCry worm. In the process, the mitigation procedures used are then focused on ransomware attacks, however, the infected computers are compromised and are used to power other background attacks, which may not necessarily include ransomware attacks (Paganini, 2017). Furthermore, based on the NSAs hacking tools, EternalRocks uses seven of the exploits leaked in the past by the Shadow Brokers (a group of black hats). These exploits include; EternalBlue, eternal romance, ArchTouch, and DoublePulsar among many others. Now, based on the researchers findings, the malware will download a series of these exploits into the host machines and then use the infected computers to explore the internet for unprotected SMB ports. These exploits may serve a common purpose of compromising the affected systems however, they do not operate in the same procedures. For instance, the DoublePulsar is used to implement network capabilities based on its networking exploits. On the other hand, ArchTouch is primarily used as a reconnaissance tool for SMB ports. However, EternalRocks heavily focuses on the EternalBlue exploits where the following attack procedure is used: First, the identification of a vulnerable system having an open and unpatched port. This step is executed randomly across the internet or towards a certain network targeted by the attackers. Activation of the remote code is done using the EternalBlue exploit. A DoublePulsar doorway is uploaded into the infected system, this doorway is used for business subsequent attacks. A payload, having the actual infection is uploaded using the back door created using the DoublePulsar exploit. This payload maybe a ransomware or even a botnet worm that could effectively hide from the visible system. Finally, an extension code that replicates in other systems is introduced which helps the attack continue on its own without human intervention. Essentially, it is this last step that makes most attacks dangerous as they can infinitely replicate themselves into many other connected systems (Cylance, 2017). At an operational level, this attack procedure may seem too vague to understand which necessitates the practical procedure identified by the threat researchers. In their attempt to understand the threat, a honeypot containing the Windows SMB exploits was used yielding the following results. First, EternalRocks downloaded a Tor web browser to the infected system, this step was achieved using UpdateInstaller.exe malware plus .Net parameters. Moreover, the web application was then used to connect to the CC (Command and control) server which is usually hosted in the Tor networks. Finally, the attack procedures were delayed by 24 hours in order to avoid the mitigation procedures implemented for other similar attacks i.e. the sandboxing mitigation techniques (Paganini, 2017). Mitigation procedure One thing stands outs in this analysis that of unprotected ports i.e. unpatched ports. The risk of this vulnerability to any organization is exponentially high as so many attacks can be conducted once the exploits identified above are successfully used. For one, an organization risk losing control over their system as they can be remotely accessed. Secondly, the same organizations system (machines) can be used as botnet thus lowering their productivity and in the process partake in illegal activities. Finally, consider the back door opened by the EternalRocks threat where other attacks such as ransomware can be used to exploit the users. These risks outline the serious threat faced by organizations that lack the necessary mitigation procedures, which in this case is patched systems, where system administrators should install the necessary system revisions introduced by Windows themselves. Furthermore, the same organizations should protect their network ports using all the necessary s ecurity procedures i.e. access control, firewalls and intrusion systems among others (Trend Micro, 2017). Conclusion Reflecting back on the analysis conducted so far by worldwide researchers, the EternalRocks threat as a whole seem to infect global systems without any form of distinction, which clearly places it in the international technology security scene. Furthermore, similar to other cyber-attacks, the threat requires renewed legislation that could potentially cover the exploits and vulnerabilities used by the perpetrators. In essence, the current legal system (at an international level) may lack the necessary tools to deal with the problem. However, in terms of the mitigation procedures, the patches offered by Windows could serve as sufficient control procedures as they prevent the attacks before they happen. Nevertheless, the stated exploits should be eliminated in future systems altogether. References Cylance. (2017). Threat Spotlight: EternalBlue Exploit Breeds EternalRocks Malware. EternalRocks. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from: Microsoft. (2017). Microsoft SMB Protocol and CIFS Protocol Overview. Windows Dev Centre. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from: Paganini. P. (2017). Expert founds EternalRocks, a malware that uses 7 NSA Hacking Tools. Cyber warfare. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from: Trend micro. (2017). EternalRocks Emerges, Exploits Additional ShadowBroker Vulnerabilities. Cybercrime and digital threats. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from:
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Opposing Genetically Modified Organisms Essays - Biology
Opposing Genetically Modified Organisms As a result of biotechnology and its wake of controversy that follows, a number or organizations have voiced their concerns toward the corporate driven discipline. As a product of biotechnologies carelessness, or motives, activist groups have risen throughout the world opposing the novelty of genetically modified organisms. The intent of biotech companies is to market and eventually sell these innovations, eventually increasing their profits and stock prices so new products can be funded while the shareholders line their pockets. Opposing organizations which see biotechnologies incentives as a danger to society and the many other life forms that exist on our planet interrupts such a process. Greenpeace is perhaps the biggest organization in opposition to genetically modified organisms. Greenpeace is an international environmental organization which fights to help protect and restore the environment. It is currently involved in a number of areas including; climate, toxics, nuclear, oceans, ocean dumping, forests and the somewhat novel area of genetic engineering. According to Greenpeace, genetically modified organisms must not be released in the environment, as the consequences for the environment and evolution are unpredictable and irreversible (Greenpeace, 2000). Once released, the new living organisms made by genetic engineering are able to interact with other forms of life, reproduce, transfer their characteristics and mutate in response to environmental influences. In most cases they can never be recalled or contained. Any mistakes or undesirable consequences could be passed on to all future generations of life. Greenpeace addresses facts like these on their website, adding that the introduction of foreign species is a major cause of ecological disruption and erosion of biodiversity. For example, in the United States alone, 42% of the species on the threatened or endangered species list are at risk primarily because of non-indigenous species costing the US economy an estimated $123 billion a year (Greenpeace, 2000). Other activist organizations take a similar stand. Another outspoken group opposing genetically modified organisms is the Sierra Club of Canada. The Sierra Club has been active in Canada since 1969, working on matters of public policy and environmental awareness. They also have local chapters and working groups in every region of the country. With their new, ?Welcome to the Safe Food / Sustainable Agriculture Campaign,? the Sierra Club is informing the public on the dangers of genetic engineering. They have started this campaign by distributing information packets and by making frequent visits to grocery stores notifying the public of engineered products which rest on the shelves. With their in-your-face type of opposition, groups such as the Campaign for Food Safety and Family Farm Defenders speak out against genetic engineering. With its growing concerns on plants and animals other organizations branch off and concentrate on specific areas, such as the Environmental Defence Fund and The American Humane Society (Boyens, 2000). These organizations strive to address biotechnology from different, but interrelated perspectives in terms of environmental, health and animal consideration. Organizations such as these rely on their
Sunday, March 8, 2020
THREE MAIN CHARACTER TRAITS IN essays There are three main ideas in the novel named The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, which will be discussed. One main point is the use of authority and how it affected the people of Salem, Massachusetts. Leading into the hypocrisy that was displayed by the people of higher authority. The people who were judged by the higher authorities showed courage. First, lets see how the use of authority played out. The use of authority in THE CRUCIBLE was very obvious and direct at times. One example of this is when Reverend Parris uses his authority to obtain material things like golden candle sticks and firewood. He also tries to obtain the deed to the house that was provided for the reverends by the towns people. Danforth is another character who used their authority wrongfully. When he was trying to get a name for a witness out of Giles Corey he said he would hold him in contempt of court and he threatened him with jail time. Giles replied by saying it was a hearing and he could not do that. Danforth then replied sternly stating, Oh it is a proper lawyer! Do you wish me to declare the court now in full session here? Or will you give me a good reply (pg. 90)? As a result the overuse of authority leads them to hypocrisy. Another main idea of THE CRUCIBLE is hypocrisy. It starts when Danforth says to John Proctor, We burn a hot fire here; it melts down all concealment (pg 83). By saying this Danforth meant he was going to find the truth no matter what, even if someone was trying to hide it from him. This gives the idea threat Danforth was going to lead a very honest court room and was going to judge people fairly. This was not the case by the end of the story though. Instead of keeping things fair and just Danforth makes the following statement, I will not receive a single plea for pardon or postponement. Them that will not confess will han ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
E-Project - Business Analysis on Wawa Inc Research Paper - 1
E-Project - Business Analysis on Wawa Inc - Research Paper Example Although company has deep roots in history and it has a history of more than 200 years full of struggle and progression, however, the first convenience store was opened in 1964 ( George Wood set up the first dairy store in Wawa, Pennsylvania in 1902. The Wood family still has a share in 52% of the company. The Convenience stores and Gas station industry has a worldwide competitive environment especially there is strong competition in United States. Wawa Inc is presently the leading company of the industry in U.S., however the company is facing serious challenges from several market rivalries like Royal Farms, Subway, Dunkin Donuts, 7-Elevn Inc, Sheetz, and Green Valley Acquisition etc. Royal Farms has shown a great progress in terms of providing fuel in a very clean environment and this category it is surpassing Wawa Inc as it is exceeding all Federal EPA necessities for cleanliness. Further, Royal Farms has controlled the market of Mid-Atlantic region by providing high class beverages. Wawa Inc has experienced the Subway as a very strong competitor in food industry. More than $16.2 billion strategic assets and 35625 restaurants in about 98 countries across the world are the real strength of Subway which has reduced the market capitalization of Wawa in some states (http://www.subway.c om). As compared to Wawa Inc, Dunkin Donuts has a global sphere of operations. It has about 9800 stores in more than 30 countries. It has dominated the consumer market from Wawa Inc as about 6700 Dunkin Donuts branches, offering 52 varieties of donuts and a dozen of coffee beverages, are operating in 35 states of USA ( Basically Wawa Inc has been affected by its rivalries due to their strong strategic installation on global as well as national scale. The activities and peak of convenience stores and gas station industry is generally characterized by peaceful
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Law and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Law and Ethics - Essay Example As per the court ruling, students do not lose their constitutional rights of expression or freedom of speech while entering into the school. The First Amendment Rights of Students are violated when they are suspended from the schools for non-disruptive activities such as wearing armbands. The key point is that substantial or material disruption of school activities must be proved or invasion of the rights of other fellow students must be established before putting a restriction on their activities. This basic ruling became the guiding principle for schools to take any action against the students. Simply speaking, school system cannot proclaim interference with the purpose of the school just to control speech or dress of the students as in all likely hood it would form a violation of the First Amendment principle. The Tinker case is ambiguous in the sense that it is difficult for schools to find out when the dress becomes disruptive. Again, it could be difficult for the school to find who is causing the disruption – the one who is wearing the offensive dress or the one who gets offended. Many schools have the policy of prohibiting the visible display of the Confederate flag because it may cause the disruption in the school activities; however, many cite the judgment of the Tinker case and want them to wear the Confederate flag. School systems need to take their stand based on the situation that whether the Confederate wearing is racially charged to cause disruptions then the school officials have the full right to disallow or ban such wearing. 7. Compare and contrast the criteria required for police officers and public school personnel for searching a student. â€Å"The Bigger the need, the more intrusive the search.†What does this mean? Please incorporate examples when defining â€Å"bigger†and â€Å"intrusive†. What role do parents play in a search of their child or their child’s possessions at school? Answer School officer s can search a student when they have a reasonable cause though the Fourth Amendment does enforce protection to the citizens for unreasonable searches. The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution comes to the rescue of students and protects their privacy rights at school; however, it does not mean that they cannot be searched. Again, it is necessary for a police officer to have a reasonable cause to conduct a student search; however, students do not have the same level of protection from searches while in the school. In the circumstances when school officials suspect the student in possession of a gun, they can conduct an intrusive student search. â€Å"The bigger the need, the more intrusive the search†should be seen in this perspective. When safety of the other students or entire school is at risk, school officials have all right to conduct intrusive student search to recover the weapon from the student. In matters of smoking and similar matters, an intrusive search is not necessary. For any intrusive search, it is required that it is done by some higher level official of the school; however, that will take into account the factors such as gender, age of the student, the item being searched, the urgency of the matter, and availability of the official while conducting a search. Intrusive searches can be done after taking the approval of school superintendent by the same gender person, and in the presence of adult
Monday, January 27, 2020
Safety In Maldives Construction Industry Construction Essay
Safety In Maldives Construction Industry Construction Essay Construction industry is a very unique industry in terms of all aspects and stages compare to other fixed workplace like factories. Most of the actual work is done by using human labor. Construction industry has been considered as a highly hazardous industry because of the high incidence of accidents and fatality rate. To improve the image of the industry, stakeholders should follow an accepted standard guideline of health and Safety (HS) in construction industry. Providing a safe and health workplace is a key to success in business (B.Ahmodn et al, 2006). Accidents and property damage create great impact to stakeholders of the project such as delays in operation and also directly and indirectly incur cost. Therefore, its an obligation of the construction companies to provide a health and safe workplace for their employees and for public. International Labour Organization (ILO) Constitution sets forth the principle that workers should be protected from sickness, disease and injury arising from their employment (ILO.ORG). According to ILO estimates, 55,000 people suffer fatal injuries every year. She also mentioned main cause of fatal injuries in construction in any country is by falling from heights, and this is principally due to the lack of proper edge protection in a variety of construction tasks (Fiona, 2002). This research is based on the health and safety in Maldives construction industry, and will provide an overview about the health and safety in develop and developing country. 1.2 Problem Statement Construction industry is an important sector in Maldives economy. But accidents, injuries, fatalities continue to occur on construction site, generally construction industry have lack of awareness on the importance of health and safety. Health and safety in construction industry is far extensive than a worker wearing a safety helmet and safety shoes at site. Health and safety is a attitude that identifies and reduces job site hazardous throughout the lifecycle of a work project. Major concern need to be deal with is the lack of national regulations outline health and safety obligation at nations construction sites. There are no laws encouraging construction companies to adopt in workplace. Most stakeholders of the industry have overlooked on occupational safety and health (OSH) due to lack of regulation or guideline to follow. Little or no attention is given to health and safety, as stakeholders are not setting aside money to ensure health and safety is being met. Furthermore, most construction project meetings do not address health and safety as an agenda item, which is a further indication of lack of commitment to health and safety. 1.3 Aim of the Research The aim of this research is to describe develop a standard health and safety guide line for Maldives construction industry. 1.4 Research Objectives The objectives of this study are: To identify construction industry health and safety in a developing country and a developed country. To determine the health and safety in Maldives construction industry. To develop a standard guideline for health and safety in Maldives construction industry. 1.5 Scope of Research Scope of the research is based on Maldives capital city Male. The research focuses on the health and safety awareness and current practice of health and safety in Maldives construction companies. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW TO IDENTIFY CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY HEALTH AND SAFETY IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY AND A DEVELOPED COUNTRY. 2.1 Introduction Major sources of the difference of health and safety performance in developing and developed countries are management commitment, supervisory environment, training and competence level (Teo, Haupt Feng 2008:497). A study done in Tanzania, a developing country, suggest that the main reason for the awful situation of health and safety on construction sites are due to the lack of necessary commitment from key stakeholders that include the government. Study also indicated that the government and its agencies have been weak in monitoring and enforcing the laws governing health and safety on construction sites and also lack of human and financial resources has disperse from developed countries (Mwombeki, 2006:426). Research carried out in developing countries that included African countries, such as Egypt, Malawi, Nigeria, Botswana and South Africa revealed that (Cibb Bust, 2006: 65-77): Lack of support from clients on health and safety ideas; Priority on health and safety is not same as developed countries; Health and safety regulations are inadequately enforced by authorities. This chapter will describe an overview of health and safety in Malaysia as a developing country and UK as a developed country. 2.2 Health and Safety in Malaysia Construction Industry In todays modern society, occupational safety and health has become an important subject in terms of financial, ethical and legislative. To survive in the global competitive market, companies are adopting to safeguard occupants health and safety. Most companys strong safety and health programs may actually mean survival. According to 3rd June 2012 Boreno Post online news, Social Security Organization (SOCSO) is targeting five per cent reduction in workplace accidents this year. Branch manager Dundang Undong stated that a total of RM4.3million was made out in compensation claims for 1,497 cases of workplace accidents last year. SOCSO 2003 report on construction industry shows that 4,654 accident cases were reported. The total death cases are 882 from all industries and out of that 92 cases are from construction industry which is 11.56% of total death percentage of the industry. SOSCO report only involves Malaysian workers and not included foreign workers (SOSCO, 2003). A study by Chai G. Mei on An analysis of accidents statistics in Malaysia construction sector tabled a summary of major accidents in Malaysias construction industry as in table 1. The study also mentioned of about rise of accidents in the construction industry occurred every month on year 2997. Table 1: Summary of major accidents in Malaysias construction industry from 2005-2008 2005 2006 2007 2008 1) Tower crane broke into two and fell onto four Indonesian construction workers at a construction site building apartment located at Batu 14, Puchong. 1) Landslide occurred at a construction site located at Taman Desa, Kuala Lumpur buried; killed a 35 year old Indonesian man at about 3.30pm while he was working on some iron steel beam foundations for the fiveblock 609 units condominium complexes 1) Death of two workers and severe injuries on ten workers at The Pavillion Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Bukit Bintang construction site where the cables of the workmens lift at the posh condominium and shopping complex project snapped and plummeted 15 metres to the ground. 1) Two Malaysian construction workers were buried alive by excavated sand pile in a 3.6m deep sewer trench at Taman Merbau phase two construction site in Changlun. 2) Iron mould weighing almost two tonnes fell from 20 storey condominiums under construction onto Dr. Liew Boon Horngs BMW; killed him and Severely injured his wife and the driver at Plaza Damas located along Jalan Hartamas. 2) Negligence of three construction companies, led to the death of another Indonesian worker on 15 May 2006 located at Lot 206, Section 63, Lorong Binjai where a 32-storey of 100 units apartment was to be built. 2) Death of two Malaysian construction workers, buried alive four meters deep in a landslide while working on the fencing located at Taman Merbau 2, Fasa III at Kubang, Pasu 2) Twenty five foreign workers escaped without major injuries when the structure they were standing gave way in one of the construction sites in Kuching. 3) Two sides collapsed of a bridge that was under construction at 3.2 kilometers of the Klang Valley Highway that caused the death of two Bangladesh workers. 3) One foreign construction site worker died; another colleague severely injured at the construction site of the prestigious KK Times Square commercial complex after piles of sand fell on them in Kota Kinabalu. 4) Three Indonesian construction workers fell from scaffolding to their deaths when they slipped from the top floor of a 21-storey condominium under construction and landed on the fifth floor at Taman Tampoi Indah. 5) Bricks fell from the construction site in Taman Bukit Angkasa, Kerinchi on several cars parked at the nearby flats during a three hour downpour 6) Eight huge concrete beams with a measurement of at least 40m long and 70 tonnes weight of an uncompleted flyover near Nilai collapsed, which narrowly missed a motorist and his aged parents. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) enacted in year 1994 by the Government of Malaysia. Section 4, objective of act under OSHA 1994 mentioned: to secure the safety, health and welfare of persons at work against risks to safety or health arising out of the activities of persons at work; to protect persons at a place of work other than persons at work against risks to safety or health arising out of the activities of persons at work; to promote an occupational environment for persons at work which is adapted to their physiological and psychological needs; The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Ministry of Human Resources and other government agencies have regulation and legal requirement to ensure the safety and health of not only workers, but also the public. . DOSH policy consists of: To prepare and preserve a workplace with a safe and healthy working system To ensure that all staff are provided with the relevant information, instruction, training and supervision regarding methods to carry out their duties in a safe manner and without causing any risk to health; To investigate all accidents, diseases, poisonous and/or dangerous occurrences, and to have action to ensure that these occurrences will not be repeated; To comply with all requirements of legislations related to safety and health as stated in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, as well as regulations and codes of practice which have been approved; ( Construction site create risk not only for the construction workers, but also for the public. Therefore the general public must be protected from hazards associated with the construction work that may be carried out in a public area or adjacent to such area (DOSH). Department of Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Public Safety and Health at Construction Sites: DOSH, Guidelines for Public Safety and Health at Construction Site, is a guideline endorsed by the Departments Jawatankuasa Semakan Dasar chaired by the Director General of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance to employers on how good work practice can be carried out on every activity in the construction to prevent accidents to the workers and public. Below describes some of the sections of the guideline: Section 4 Notification of an Operation describes the section 35 under Factories and machineries Act 1967 that every work or engineering construction must inform DOSH not less than seven days before commencement of work unless the work can be completed within six days. Section 6 of the guidelines is about the Safety and Health Organization and under this section it has mentioned about the employers obligation to prepare written general policy with respect to the safety and health at work of his employees and the organization and arrangements to carry out the policy. Following are the sub sections for section 6: 6.1- Safety and health Policy 6.2- Safety and Health Committee 6.3- Occupational Safety and Health System 6.4- Safety and Health Officer 6.5- Site Safety Supervisor 6.6- Contractor Safety Supervisor Section 7 describes the General Duties of the Employers according to the section 16, of OSHA 1994. Section 8 describes the General Duties of the Architects, Engineers and Designers stating that a safe design and construction must be considered to the safety of the workers and the public. Designers, architects should not include anything in the design that leads to unsafe construction procedure and create undue hazards. Section 8 also describes about the safety and health facilities to be included in design for such work to be performed with minimum risk. Section 9: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) Section 10: Emergency Response Plan Section 11: Hoarding Section 12: Movement of Vehicular Traffic Section 13: Disconnection of Utilities Section 14: Demolition Section 15: Blasting and use of Explosive Section 16: Removal of Debris Section 17: Site Clearing Section 18: Excavation Work Section 19: Piling Work Section 20: Superstructure 20.1 Scaffolds 20.2 Safety Nets and Peripheral Nets 20.3 Catch Platforms 20.4 Concrete Work Section 21: Finishes Section 22: Use of Hoisting Equipment 22.1: General 22.2: Erection 22.3: Jacking 22:4: Operation 22.5: Inspection and Testing 22.6: Maintenance and Repair 22.7: Dismantling 22.8: Crane Storage (DOSH Ministry of Human Resources) Table 2 shows the number of occupational death rates from 2007 to 2011 within the 10 industries. The death rate in the construction industry is the highest in year 2007, the total number of 95 deaths. But statistic has dropped to 51 in year 2011 which is a good phenomenon for the construction industry. Table 2: Number of Occupational Death Rates 2007-2011 Industrial Categories / Year Number of Occupational Death Rates 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Manufacturing 63 76 63 59 45 Mining Quarrying 9 6 3 1 7 Construction 95 72 71 66 51 Agriculture 30 42 44 30 41 Utility 10 19 23 11 5 Transport / Communication 2 8 18 14 11 Trade 3 0 0 0 1 Hotel Restaurant 0 1 0 0 2 Financial Insurance 4 4 1 1 6 Public Services 3 2 1 3 7 Total 219 230 224 185 176 Source: DOSH 2011 Figure 1 shows the statistic by DOSH on occupational accidents by sector in 2011. It shows that 51 deaths, 43 non permanent disability and 5 permanent disability in construction industry. Figure 1: Statistic of occupational accidents by sector 2011- source DOSH In the Construction Industry Master Plane (CIMP) 2006-2015 highlighted about Strive for the highest standard of occupational safety and health. It stated that, long term development of the industry requires accountability of the stakeholders to achieve the highest standard of occupational safety and health. To achieve this standard, stakeholders awareness must be increase and to implementation of occupational safety and health management system (OSHMS). Furthermore, to develop occupational safety and health program need to raise awareness, education and training, enforcement of legislation, guide line and codes (CIDB :2008). 2.3 Health and Safety in Great Britain Construction Industry Great Britain has a 150 years history of health and safety regulation. The current health and safety act is called Health and Safety at work (HSW) Act 1974. This Act has been modified in 2008 to provide integrated institutional structure and legal framework for health and safety regulation. Health and safety law is enforced by health and safety executive (HSE) in many workplaces ranging from health and safety in nuclear installation and mines through to factories, school and hospitals. According to HSE guide, health and safety inspectors have important statutory power as they can enter any premises without any warning. And if they are not satisfied with the level of health and safety, they can issue information and advice, issue improvement notices requiring problems to be put right within a specified time, serve a prohibition notice stopping activity either with immediate or deferred effect, and (in England and Wales) prosecute for the most serious failings ( According to HSE statistic, there is a significant reductions in the number and rate of injury over the last 20 years or more. Yet, construction remains a high risk industry. Although it accounts for only about 5% of the employees in Britain it still accounts for 27% of fatal injuries to employees and 9% of reported major injuries. In 2010 to 2011 there were 50 fatal injuries to workers. The number of fatality injures to employees has been reduced by two-thirds compared with 20 years ago. It also stated that over 5000 occupational cancer cases are estimated to arise each year as a result of past exposures in the construction sector (HSE, 2011). Figure 2: 20 year trend in worker fatalities- source:www. CHAPTER 3 : LITERATURE REVIEW TO DETERMINE HEALTH AND SAFETY IN MALDIVES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 3.1 Introduction This chapter will provide some information and facts about Maldives in general and also will determine the health and safety in Maldives construction industry. 3.1.1 General Information on Maldives Table 3: General information of Maldives Government Type Republic Independence July 26, 1985 (formerly a British protectorate) No of Atolls 20 Area Spread over 115,300 sq. km square kilometers in the Indian Ocean southwest of India The capital Male Population (2009 est.): 314,000 (plus 80,000 expatriate workers who are not counted in the census). The life expectancy 74 years Language Dhivehi (official); English considered as second language Currency MVR 15.50 (Rufiyaa) = USD 1 GDP 2010 total USD 926 million, USD 2896 per capita. Weather and Climate Tropical, two monsoon in a year, annual mean temperature 28.3Â °C Literacy 97% Sources: Department of National Planning 2010, UNDP, 2011 3.1.2 Geography For administrative purpose 1,192 (Inhabited 194, Uninhabited 998) islands are further divided in to 20 atolls (Department of National Planning, 2010). Among these islands, only four islands have a population of 5,000 or more and only 10 islands are larger than 2.5sq km (R. Bassam 2011). 3.2 Maldives Construction Industry The construction industry has contributed 10 percent of the GDP and accounts for 5 percent of the national employment data (The World Bank, 2006). With the growth of tourism, and the Tsunami-reconstruction activities, construction industry to the economy is to expect to grow significantly ( Seventh National Development Plane 2006-2010). Of the total labor force of the construction industry, more than 70 percent is provided by expatriate labor; particularly at the skilled and unskilled levels. Most of the top level managers have university degree or diploma-level training in addition to work experience in the industry. Of the total employment about 10 percent are professionals (Architects, Engineers, QS or PM), while the rest consists of 34 percent skilled and 56 percent unskilled workers. (The World Bank, 2006). 3.2.1 Maldives Association of Construction Industry (MACI) Construction companies of Maldives with the support of Maldives Government established MACI on 30th October 2001. MACI is the official representative of construction industry in Maldives with 46 members actively involved in improving the construction industry. Objective of MACI is to combine all relative services in construction to develop and promote a united industry. The Association aims to achieve greater professionalism and quality in construction industry ( 3.3 Health and Safety in Maldives Construction Industry. On September 30th 2012, a local newspaper reported that the small number of building site deaths recoded in the Maldives recent years is more the result of good fortune rather than industry commitment to safety. The report was regarding the death of a Bangladeshi national working in the capital Male fell from the sixth floor of a building site on 19th June 2012. The employee was not believed to be wearing any safety gear when he died (Minivan News, 2012). President of the MACI, Mohamed Ali Janah told Minivan News that he believed a lack of national regulations outlining health and safety responsibility at the national building sites. He mentioned that judging the standard of occupational health and safety in Maldives construction sites there were very few places in the world that would approve the way the work is conducted. (Minivan News, 30th Sep 2012). Health and safety has been an issue for years in Maldives construction industry. Clients are also not setting aside money to ensure health and safety measures are being met and stakeholders do not understand the importance of health and safety in site (MACI, 2012). All project stakeholders have a responsibility of ensuring health and safety, starting from the government and the people that actually initiate projects. Health and safety must be achieved by the commitment from all construction project clients, all level management, and equal commitment by construction workers (Coble and Haupt, 1999). MACI requested to Ministry of Economic and Development, Ahmed Mohamed, for a solution to the problem of safety measures on the construction sites (, 14th October 2012) According to Seventh National Development Plane 2006-2010, stated that to implement the building code of the Maldives under construction policies and strategies, item 2.1 as a strategy and item 2.7 stated that Enable formulation of construction industry related to health and safety regulations and established database on health and safety issues (Ministry of Planning and National Development, 2008). 3.3.1 Maldives Building Code 1st Edition 2008 Maldives Building Code was published on August 2008 by Ministry of Construction and Public Infrastructure to ensure that: the safety of the built environment T0 provide flexibility in design The building code will be empowered from a set of building regulations which itself will be bound by a building act. However a building act has not yet been passed (Ministry of Construction and Public Infrastructure, 2008). Section F of the Building Code is Safety of Users, which defines the following contents: Hazardous agent on site Hazardous building materials Hazardous substances and process Safety from falling Construction and demolition hazards Lighting for emergency Warning system Signs (The Building Code 2008) CHAPTER 4: REASARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to describe and explain the methodology used in this research in order to accomplished the aim of the research. 4.2 Research Design The researcher will distribute 100 questionnaires to different stakeholders in the construction industry of Maldives. Such as clients, consultants and contractors in Male city. Researcher will interview with a company in Male city regarding occupational health and safety. 4.3 Research Method The researcher will distribute 100 questionnaires by using emails and by the use of Google documents. 4.4 Primary Data and Secondary Data Primary data is the data that will be collected from the distribution of questionnaires to the targeted respondents. In this case, the clients, consultants and contractors are the target. Secondary data is the data that will be collected from the literature review, such as books, journals, newspaper, internet and others. 4.5 Data Analysis Technique Data receives from the respondents will be analysis by using Google documents software
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