Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Introduction to Density Definition and Calculation
A materials density is defined as its mass per unit volume. Put another way, density is the ratio between mass and volume or mass per unit volume. It is a measure of how much stuff an object has in a unit volume (cubic meter or cubic centimeter). Density is essentially a measurement of how tightly matter is crammed together. The principle of density was discovered by the Greek scientist Archimedes, but it is easy to calculate if you know the formula and understand its related units. Density Formula To calculate the density (usually represented by the Greek letter à ) of an object, take the mass (m) and divide by the volume (v): à m / v The SI unit of density is kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3). It is also frequently represented in the cgs unit of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). How to Find Density In studying density, it can be helpful to work a sample problem using the formula for density, as mentioned in the previous section. Recall that though density is, indeed, mass divided by volume, it is often measured in units of grams per cubic centimeter because grams represent a standard weight, while cubic centimeters represent the volume of the object. For this problem, take a brick of salt measuring 10.0 cm x 10.0 cm x 2.0 cm, which weighs 433 grams. To find the density, use the formula, which helps you determine the amount of mass per unit volume, or: à   m / v In this example, you have the dimensions of the object, so you have to calculate the volume. The formula for volume depends on the shape of the object, but its a simple calculation for a box: v length x width x thicknessv 10.0 cm x 10.0 cm x 2.0 cmv 200.0 cm^3 Now that you have the mass and volume, calculate the density, as follows: à   m / và   433 g/200.0 cm^3à   2.165 g/cm^3 Thus, the density of the salt brick is 2.165 g/ cm^3. Using Density One of the most common uses of density is in how different materials interact when mixed together. Wood floats in water because it has a lower density, while an anchor sinks because the metal has a higher density. Helium balloons float because the density of the helium is lower than the density of the air. When your automotive service station tests various liquids, like transmission fluid, it will pour some of the fluid into a hydrometer. The hydrometer has several calibrated objects, some of which float in the liquid. By observing which of the objects float, the service station employees can determine the density of the liquid. In the case of the transmission fluid, this test reveals whether service station employees need to replace it immediately, or whether the fluid still has some life in it. Density allows you to solve for mass and volume if given the other quantity. Since the density of common substances is known, this calculation is fairly straightforward, in the form. (Note that the asterisk symbolâ€â€*â€â€is used to avoid confusion with the variables for volume and density, à and v, respectively.) v * à mor​​m / à v The change in density can also be useful in analyzing some situations, such as whenever a chemical conversion is taking place and energy is being released. The charge in a storage battery, for example, is an acidic solution. As the battery discharges electricity, the acid combines with the lead in the battery to form a new chemical, which results in a decrease in the density of the solution. This density can be measured to determine the batterys level of remaining charge. Density is a key concept in analyzing how materials interact in fluid mechanics, weather, geology, material sciences, engineering, and other fields of physics. Specific Gravity A concept related to density is the specific gravity (or, even more appropriate, relative density) of a material, which is the ratio of the materials density to the density of water. An object with a specific gravity less than one will float in water, while a specific gravity greater than one means it will sink. It is this principle that allows, for example, a balloon filled with hot air to float in relation to the rest of the air.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How Parents Religious Affiliation Affects the Way
Parenting methods have been affected by numerous factors over the years. Parenting is something that is obviously successful or in the worst case, has failed miserably! We found that the parents religious affiliation affects the way they raise their children. The particular theologies theory posits that different religious affiliations put varying efforts into emphasizing family-formation strategies (Pearce 2002: 325). Religious affiliations, inspired parents to be fervent on implanting strong morals, maintaining close relational ties within their family, and encourage positive community involvement with their particular religious affiliation. Parents religion motivates parents to avidly implant morals in their children through†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, discipline doesnt always have to be punishing a child; sometimes it is simply instructing and guiding them as to what choices to make, so that they dont have to be disciplined when they find themselves at a crossroad and they end up on a road that isnt very beneficial. If parents focus on making their children knowledgeable on the `space between places in social relations-not on individuals or families or particular institutions, but on the space where these important social bodies intersect, they will help their children avoid bad decisions (Schweigert 1999: 170). Conservative Protestant parenting literature suggests that training children in the virtues of obedience is the first step toward their worldly success and eternal salvation, while neglect of this gradual obedience training may ultimately result in the burden of failed parenting, and it also will have detrimental affects on the children. One issue that could be researched further is how the global values of obedience and autonomy may hold divergent meanings for different segments of theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Religion On School Performance867 Words  | 4 Pageshis or her religion pushes or from the environment they are immersed in, some aspect of religion is thought to affect school performance. Religion is an important factor in almost everyone’s life, even if they claim to be non-religious. Religion has somehow affected several parts of everyone’s life, whether adversely or advantageously. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Serving Customers In Global Market Free Essays
Introduction: The communication material selected is the Virgin Atlantic website because of the information it contains regarding customer experience and what they should expect from the company in terms of service delivery and charges. The company states that customer service and commitment is the major driving force behind the brand. It goes on to state that the company believes in getting things right the first time but even if lapses occasionally occur then it will do its best to ensure that the mistakes are rectified in time. We will write a custom essay sample on Serving Customers In Global Market or any similar topic only for you Order Now Understanding the psychology of the customer is extremely important to businesses because it helps them in figuring out the customer demands (Schiffman, Kanuk, Hansen, 2012). Good understanding and implementation of business psychology leads to more customers because the satisfied ones often tend to spread the message to their colleagues with an aim of influencing them to try the service. However, the converse is also true because when they do not like the experience, they will as well spread around the bad message (Donnelly Harrison, 2009). Businesses should therefore always strive to ensure that they understand the demands of the clients and then move on to give them the best experience in terms of service delivery because failure to do this only leads to loss of consumers (Palmer 2011). The key message that the advertiser wishes to communicate to the customers is that it believes that they have the right to information regarding the level of service they expect from the company all the time even in the rare moments when it falls short of the high standards set by the company. Importance of understanding Theories of Consumer Psychology: The message in the Virgin Atlantic’s website attracts the attention of the consumers because it has positioned itself as a company offering the lowest possible fares in the industry. Many people prefer paying less for more and this is what the company is banking on as it promises the consumers to give them the best service at the best rates in the industry (Solomon et al 2010). The layout of the site is also a major factor in attracting the attention of the consumers because most of the information is available and easily retrievable thus giving the clients an easy time when it comes to booking and making travel arrangements. The message facilitates the learning of the consumers in order to embed the message in their memory as recommended by the theories of consumer psychology. The company informs the consumers prior to booking on what they should expect from the company. Once they have this information, then they know what to expect from Virgin Atlantic in terms of service delivery. The standards set by the company are very high and at times, it fails to attain them but the consumers know this in advance so that in case of any mishaps the extent of the damage is not grossly over exaggerated. Virgin Atlantic motivates the consumers to act in the way the company desires through giving them what they desire and at reasonable costs that are well below the industrial average. It does this through setting very high standards for the company and then offering them to the clients at the lowest possible price in the industry. Everyone often desires to have the best service and when this comes along with the lowes t possible prices then the motivation to use Virgin Atlantic will always be high (Dibb, Simpkin, Ferrell, 2006). The company’s communication system therefore covers all the four aspects of theory of consumer psychology. Donnelly Harrison G, (2009) state that personality often influences the way consumers respond to the marketing messages. As such, the management of the company knows how to position itself in order to achieve its objectives. Virgin Atlantic predominantly uses the cognitive marketing strategy in winning over the trust of consumers. It does this by presenting pieces of information or rational arguments concerning its services to the consumers (Janson-Boyd, 2010).This method proves to be effective for Virgin Atlantic because the important message in the advert is on the attributes of the services it renders and the benefits that the consumers can derive from them. The company has designed the message in manner that influences the beliefs of the consumers with an aim of enticing them into using its services. Virgin Atlantic mostly relies on functional theory in packaging its advertisements as a way of attracting and retaining consumers. According to this theory, households form attitudes in order to be able to structure, organize and summarize large information on an entity (Buttle 2007). In this case, therefore, attitudes primarily serve as functions of knowledge. Knowledge can be either perceptual or conceptual in nature. Attitudes often express self-perceptions, values and preferences hence playing a big role in the consumer decision-making process (Gronroos2007).Owing to the fact that attitudes facilitate interpersonal communication and also serve as a function of value expression, Virgin Atlantic pays close attention in informing the potential consumers on the reasons why its services are the best in the industry. All the services of the airline are available on the site for easy access. Conclusion: The selected message meets all the requirements of theory as it efficiently informs the potential consumers on what they should expect from the company. The message is not only informative but also appealing to the audience as it intends to influence their attitudes about the company. The company can improve the message on the website by informing the potential consumers on the challenges facing the industry and the average industrial charges. It can actually indicate that they are the best airline in the industry by offering comparisons of their services and the costs with those of the industry. Once the consumers see this they will tend to form positive attitudes towards Virgin Atlantic and then inform their colleagues to try it. The functional approach chosen by the company fits very well in its advertising methods as it tries to create an advantage over its peers in the industry. Bibliography: Buttle. F. (2007) Customer Relationship Management. Elsevier Dibb,S., Simpkin, L., Ferrell, O.C. (2006) Marketing Concepts and Strategies, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Donnelly, R. Harrison G, (2009) The Marketing Planning Process, Butterworth-Heinemann, London Gronroos, C (2007) Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition, 3rd ed, Wiley Janson-Boyd, C.V. (2010). Consumer Psychology. Maidenhead : Open University Press Palmer A (2011) Principles of Service Marketing 6th Ed. McGraw Hill Schiffman, L.G., Kanuk, L.L. Hansen, H. (2012). Consumer Behaviour – A European Outlook. 2nd. ed. Harlow: Pearson. Solomon, M et al. (2010). Consumer Behaviour – A European Perspective. 4th ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Virgin Atlantic Website. How to cite Serving Customers In Global Market, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Name Security Vulnerability Eternal Rocks †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Name Of The Security Vulnerability Eternal Rocks? Answer: Introducation A serious and very dangerous ransomware that has been generally identified as the next evolution of the previously used WannaCry group of ransomware. Similar to WannaCry, EternalRocks may encrypt the host files of the systems it infects however, it's said to be stronger than its predecessor which had many operational loopholes thus was easier to slow down and even circumvent (Trend micro, 2017). In lights of this new threat, the profile below analyses risks of the threat and provides a detailed account of the systems it attacks as well as the exploitation and mitigation procedures. Systems that are attacked Discovered by Croatian ICT expert by the name Miroslav Stamper, EternalRocks operations like any other worm where its propagation is led by the flaws seen in the SMB protocol i.e. the so called EternalBlue flaws (Paganini, 2017). Now, the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is a file sharing protocol that is used by Microsoft Windows systems to transfer files (data) over networks. The protocol is mostly used in the application layer where it serves as presentation protocol for the transferred data. Therefore, based on the protocol that the ransomware exploits, this threat is purely based on Windows systems i.e. servers and PC that use Windows operating systems. EternalRocks also seem to hold a deeper malicious intention as it lays dormant in machines awaiting future instructions that could basically weaponise it. In essence, unlike WannaCry which deliberately encrypted files or infected machines with malware to form botnets, EternalRocks in its newly discovered form infects machines and awaits other commands that could activate it in the future (Microsoft, 2017). Furthermore, it lacks an all-inclusive kill switch, similar to the one used to mitigate the attacks presented by WannaCry which further increases its severity. In addition to this, Eternal Blue (the Microsoft Windows vulnerability) has a 24 hours delay timer for its activation which has increasingly frustrated the studies of understanding the malware. Attack procedure First and foremost, the threat (EternalRocks) disguises itself as the old and controllable WannaCry worm. In the process, the mitigation procedures used are then focused on ransomware attacks, however, the infected computers are compromised and are used to power other background attacks, which may not necessarily include ransomware attacks (Paganini, 2017). Furthermore, based on the NSAs hacking tools, EternalRocks uses seven of the exploits leaked in the past by the Shadow Brokers (a group of black hats). These exploits include; EternalBlue, eternal romance, ArchTouch, and DoublePulsar among many others. Now, based on the researchers findings, the malware will download a series of these exploits into the host machines and then use the infected computers to explore the internet for unprotected SMB ports. These exploits may serve a common purpose of compromising the affected systems however, they do not operate in the same procedures. For instance, the DoublePulsar is used to implement network capabilities based on its networking exploits. On the other hand, ArchTouch is primarily used as a reconnaissance tool for SMB ports. However, EternalRocks heavily focuses on the EternalBlue exploits where the following attack procedure is used: First, the identification of a vulnerable system having an open and unpatched port. This step is executed randomly across the internet or towards a certain network targeted by the attackers. Activation of the remote code is done using the EternalBlue exploit. A DoublePulsar doorway is uploaded into the infected system, this doorway is used for business subsequent attacks. A payload, having the actual infection is uploaded using the back door created using the DoublePulsar exploit. This payload maybe a ransomware or even a botnet worm that could effectively hide from the visible system. Finally, an extension code that replicates in other systems is introduced which helps the attack continue on its own without human intervention. Essentially, it is this last step that makes most attacks dangerous as they can infinitely replicate themselves into many other connected systems (Cylance, 2017). At an operational level, this attack procedure may seem too vague to understand which necessitates the practical procedure identified by the threat researchers. In their attempt to understand the threat, a honeypot containing the Windows SMB exploits was used yielding the following results. First, EternalRocks downloaded a Tor web browser to the infected system, this step was achieved using UpdateInstaller.exe malware plus .Net parameters. Moreover, the web application was then used to connect to the CC (Command and control) server which is usually hosted in the Tor networks. Finally, the attack procedures were delayed by 24 hours in order to avoid the mitigation procedures implemented for other similar attacks i.e. the sandboxing mitigation techniques (Paganini, 2017). Mitigation procedure One thing stands outs in this analysis that of unprotected ports i.e. unpatched ports. The risk of this vulnerability to any organization is exponentially high as so many attacks can be conducted once the exploits identified above are successfully used. For one, an organization risk losing control over their system as they can be remotely accessed. Secondly, the same organizations system (machines) can be used as botnet thus lowering their productivity and in the process partake in illegal activities. Finally, consider the back door opened by the EternalRocks threat where other attacks such as ransomware can be used to exploit the users. These risks outline the serious threat faced by organizations that lack the necessary mitigation procedures, which in this case is patched systems, where system administrators should install the necessary system revisions introduced by Windows themselves. Furthermore, the same organizations should protect their network ports using all the necessary s ecurity procedures i.e. access control, firewalls and intrusion systems among others (Trend Micro, 2017). Conclusion Reflecting back on the analysis conducted so far by worldwide researchers, the EternalRocks threat as a whole seem to infect global systems without any form of distinction, which clearly places it in the international technology security scene. Furthermore, similar to other cyber-attacks, the threat requires renewed legislation that could potentially cover the exploits and vulnerabilities used by the perpetrators. In essence, the current legal system (at an international level) may lack the necessary tools to deal with the problem. However, in terms of the mitigation procedures, the patches offered by Windows could serve as sufficient control procedures as they prevent the attacks before they happen. Nevertheless, the stated exploits should be eliminated in future systems altogether. References Cylance. (2017). Threat Spotlight: EternalBlue Exploit Breeds EternalRocks Malware. EternalRocks. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from: Microsoft. (2017). Microsoft SMB Protocol and CIFS Protocol Overview. Windows Dev Centre. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from: Paganini. P. (2017). Expert founds EternalRocks, a malware that uses 7 NSA Hacking Tools. Cyber warfare. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from: Trend micro. (2017). EternalRocks Emerges, Exploits Additional ShadowBroker Vulnerabilities. Cybercrime and digital threats. Retrieved 09 August, 2017, from:
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